Blessings And Thanks To My Four Legged Friend, Nori

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In her sixteenth year, we wish her well and know her time is near

Please join me in a moment of celebration -

to acknowledge the girl dog I picked up one Saturday afternoon long ago (1994-95?)

and to thank her for all her years by my side

We listened to "The Grateful Dead Hour" on WXPN. We got horribly lost on the way home. She was two.

She didn't have a very good reputation and she was only supposed to stay with me for three days, (I was a foster Mom for Gordon Setters).

Her reputation was undeserved and three days turned into fourteen years

now one of my best friends is coming to the end of her journey

please hold her (and us) in the light

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In her sixteenth year, we wish her well and know her time is near

Please join me in a moment of celebration -

to acknowledge the girl dog I picked up one Saturday afternoon long ago (1994-95?)

and to thank her for all her years by my side

We listened to "The Grateful Dead Hour" on WXPN. We got horribly lost on the way home. She was two.

She didn't have a very good reputation and she was only supposed to stay with me for three days, (I was a foster Mom for Gordon Setters).

Her reputation was undeserved and three days turned into fourteen years

now one of my best friends is coming to the end of her journey

please hold her (and us) in the light

I wish to share my favorite sentiment concerning our four-legged friends...

I cannot call it a theory, because it is more from the heart than the head:

There are indeed Angels in this world, they walk on all four, and are covered in soft fur.

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