To Know Why?

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Driven to Know Why…

So many questions are there to always be…

What are you? I ask of me…

Who are you? I ask of me…

When are you, which you became? I ask to me…

So much uncertainty contained inside of me, that I could not see.

What are your names to be meaning?

What is your purpose here, and why?

I just can not really see all of what's inside…

Much of time has gone and changes are so strong, look at we.

Blacken wings upon your back and reaching to the sky…

Blacken hair flowing there down to your graceful sides…

Blacken eyes saturating glare that no one can deny.

Must I dig into your soul of black and force your mind to coming back?

Are you a fallen one of the Gods, if so then tell me why?

Are you a driven out one from on high, the same as I?

Are you and I now going to forever cry?

Please tell me what I am if you can, and why?

A mortal being?

An immortal spirit?

As a God to be seen?

Which one could we, and should we be? I can not decide, as you can believe.

It is not enough I did not even die?

It is not enough there is no place to hide?

It is not enough I am going mad inside?

I am now reserved, you shall have never heard what I or you have felt from all of these questions why.

© Mwyncoop 2008

All Rights Reserved

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