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Found 7 results

  1. I am grateful to Hekate for opening the door to new employment for me. She has allowed me to find a job that is something of a dream come true and is in my field. I start training today in a couple of hours, and I am so excited that I'm about to bounce out of my skin. Io Hekate!
  2. I see so very many poems, sayings, and presentations of praise and gratitude: Only a very few truly touch my soul. This is one of them.As we begin each day in our praise to God and as we go about the day in our circle of friends and acquaintances, as we touch the lives of those we come across, let us surround ourselves with people who see our worth. and let us see the worth of all those we influence and touch.
  3. Here is a powerful message about perspective and perceptions. I hope you enjoy it.
  4. Greetings and Blessings to all: I have been a bit slack this week in that I did not prepare a sermon or topic of discussion for the blogs I normally post. I am thankful for the positive things that have happened this week. I am in an arts and crafts show for labor day weekend, discovered my ordination is in fact from here at ULC, and also discovered my ordination date is much earlier than I had remembered. I duly updated the info here. It is so very easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle of life, forgetting the events that have brought one to their present condition and I am of course no exception. I resolve to be more diligent and to spend time on those things that are of value to me: My faith, the sharing of observations that can help people, and most importantly, being of service in whatever ways I can.
  5. I was going through some old memories and keepsakes yesterday, hunting for my Certificate of Ordination from ULC. Alas, I couldn't find it, and will have to pay for another one. While hunting though, I came across some sermons that I preached when I first entered the ministry (1967, UMC, LaGrange Ga district, North Ga Conference). My mother kept all my sermons - I wrote them down for the minutes of the church. She saved them and put them in a binder. It was pleasant remembering the days when I first was called to the ministry. I have wavered back and forth since then, but find myself once more being called, and going back to my roots. Much has changed since those days, but the need for spiritual fulfilment remains strong for people, and I hope to be a worthy vessel to help fill that longing.
  6. I hope I am posting this in the right place. I am just learning my way around here again after being gone for many months- maybe a year or so. I will be mostly observing as I get back to the ebb and flow of discourse, and hopefully will be meeting new friends and exchanging ideas. Most of those I conversed with, were friends with, and exchanged ideas with seem to be gone, but there also seem to be new opportunities for healthy discussion now.
  7. There are times in life when it is important to stop, take a moment, and say THANK YOU with a heart full of gratitude. This is one of those times. I have been away from the ULC for three years, and am very glad to be back. The Universal Life Church was here, as if waiting for me with open arms, to finish classes in the Seminary which I had begun. Everyone has their own lives, their own ministries, all with time constraints. Yet Rev. Amy Long and Brother Kevin, filled with patience and guidance, welcomed me back, right where I left off. I am also grateful for the institution of the ULC in the first place. What a vision and a creation, including and allowing all of us to participate. This does not happen in isolation. During these past three years, I have felt isolated without the ULC in my life. I have missed the fellowship with you, my brother and sister ministers, sharing in the forum, and posting my classes, getting your feedback and sharing as well. It's soul affirming to be among the love, joy and heart of all of you. It's good to be back.