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Posts posted by murphzlaw1

  1. Some of you know this, most of you don't.

    Shortly after Hurricane Katrina, one of our members wrote an email to family members detailing some of the specifics, and steps taken for others who were in harm's way.

    The story touched so many of us, and I'd already considered a Sainthood nomination before I got PM's from no less than 4 members saying that this member deserved recognition, not just for saving so many people from the wrath of Katrina, but for showing others what ULC ministers are made of.

    Thus, I present to you, your newest Saint:

    Von Noble!

    *wild applause*

    Von would never step up and take recognition for this, but the certificates arrived yesterday. :)

    A VERY well deserved Sainthood, indeed...

  2.'s cuz I haven't made the actual code for changing font size public yet. I had to create a code to get it to work right, because the board is...not as functional in some respects as it used to be.

    I'm having to find workarounds for features that we used to have but don't, since they've been phased out in place of other features.

    for the curious...

    [size%=80]this is how to make fonts smaller[/size%]


    [size%=80]this is how to make fonts smaller[/size%]

  3. Hi Murp,

    I haven't heard them called dragonbard, but they have two base themes, dragon riders as one,  dragon songs as another.  Then they branch out from there, what do'y think, about 2 dozen books in the series?

    I do know that when we've given them to kids the responce in most cases is very positive.  They start to read and talk with  the "old folks" about the books, story plot, etc.

    So maybe we are talking about the same author, just calling the series differently?


    you're proabably's been a LONG