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Posts posted by revkhbostic
There is supposed to be a n in the header on this,so I edited & now its showing up with the typo I edited in the 2nd copy
If they leave this one on here,I d like to say its a great book to get.
It has a burial service that one could read,apx 20 minutes.It has marriage ,baptism,catechism,morning & evening low services,that can be coupled to the communion for high services,& you can fit whatever music you like in as hymns...The Book of Common Prayer,Church of England.
Search engine :used book stores. youtube dot com has music of every sort,so,you could search church hymns as aalternate search there its free...Also,my other edit says,anyone coming to the site can use the last rites & communion anytime and for any reason they feel the need to avail themselves of said services...
Some years ago,there was a reprint of an old Book of Common Prayer./Church of England/
ISBN 0-8050-2284-8 Library of Congress Catalog Number:92-53129 /1st American Ed 1992Printed by Tien Wah Press in Singapore,367pgs/
Its supposed to be a copy of a old 15th or 16th century edition.
Personally,I found the Episcopal 1979 version of the book of common prayer to be more lengthy,
So I then would go to this book for the High services,using the communion portion of this book,like anyone could...
Prayer of consecration before handing out communion:
Almighty God,our Heavenly Father,who of thy tender mercy,
didst give thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption;
who made there by his one oblation of himself once offerred /a full ,perfect,& sufficient sacrifice ,oblation ,& satisfaction,
for the sins of the whole world;& did institute & in his holy gospel,command us to continue,
a perpetual memory of that his precious death,until his coming again;
Hear us O merciful Father,we most humbly beseach thee;& grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread & wine ,
According to thy Son our Savior Jesus Christs holy institution,in remembrance of his death & passion,may be partakers of his most blessed Body & Blood:
Who,in the same night that he was betrayed ,took Bread;& when he had given thanks ,he broke it
,& gave it to his disciples saying Take,eat,this is my body which is given for you
Do this in remembrance of me;
Likewise,after supper he took the cup,& when he had given thanks ,he gave it to them,saying
,Drink ye all of this;for this is my blood of the new Testament,which is shed for you& for many for the remission of sins:
Do this ,as oft as ye shall drink it ,in remembrance of me. Amen
The body of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was given for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life.
Take & eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee,& feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving.
The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was shed for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life .
Drink this in remembrance that Christ s Blood was shed for thee,& be thankful
.Amen ,is response; after,take communion...Then the Lords prayer after congregation takes communion /with communion hymns...
This also is abrev. form of communion after genl confession & absolution ,for last rites or,visitation of the sick,if they also want communion.
Another option is to letthe person get anything weighing on their conscious talked out,if they wish ,or make a will,etc...
Be Blessed,in the Name of the Father,& the Son & the Holy Spirit,Amen/
PS,Anyone accessing this site could take last rites/visitation of the sick,Abrev.form of communion from reading these prayers,as well as communion ,whenever thy need to ;God accept this,Amen
If you need hymns,see youtube.com & use search engine ,type the name in or artists that do church hymns... Maybe use search engine for used book stores to find the above mentioned book for home reference library as well/
Some years ago,there was a reprint of an old Book of Common Prayer./Church of England/
ISBN 0-8050-2284-8 Library of Congress Catalog Number:92-53129 /1st American Ed 1992Printed by Tien Wah Press in Singapore,367pgs/
Its supposed to be a copy of a old 15th or 16th century edition.
Personally,I found the Episcopal 1979 version of the book of common prayer to be more lengthy,
So I then would go to this book for the High services,using the communion portion of this book,like anyone could...
Prayer of consecration before handing out communion:
Almighty God,our Heavenly Father,who of thy tender mercy,
didst give thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption;
who made there by his one oblation of himself once offerred /a full ,perfect,& sufficient sacrifice ,oblation ,& satisfaction,
for the sins of the whole world;& did institute & in his holy gospel,command us to continue,
a perpetual memory of that his precious death,until his coming again;
Hear us O merciful Father,we most humbly beseach thee;& grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread & wine ,
According to thy Son our Savior Jesus Christs holy institution,in remembrance of his death & passion,may be partakers of his most blessed Body & Blood:
Who,in the same night that he was betrayed ,took Bread;& when he had given thanks ,he broke it
,& gave it to his disciples saying Take,eat,this is my body which is given for you
Do this in remembrance of me;
Likewise,after supper he took the cup,& when he had given thanks ,he gave it to them,saying
,Drink ye all of this;for this is my blood of the new Testament,which is shed for you& for many for the remission of sins:
Do this ,as oft as ye shall drink it ,in remembrance of me. Amen
The body of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was given for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life.
Take & eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee,& feed on him in thy heart by faith with thanksgiving.
The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ ,which was shed for thee,preserve thy body & soul unto everlasting life .
Drink this in remembrance that Christ s Blood was shed for thee,& be thankful
.Amen ,is response; after,take communion...Then the Lords prayer after congregation takes communion /with communion hymns...
This also is abrev. form of communion after genl confession & absolution ,for last rites or,visitation of the sick,if they also want communion.
Another option is to letthe person get anything weighing on their conscious talked out,if they wish ,or make a will,etc...
Be Blessed,in the Name of the Father,& the Son & the Holy Spirit,Amen/
That was friendly,& welcome ...
Once again from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer:
For The Harvest o f Lands & Waters:
O gracious Father,who opens thine hand & fillest all things living with plenteousness:Bless the lands & waters,
,& multiply the harvests of the world;let thy Spirit go forth ,that it may renew the face of the earth;show thy
loving kindness,that our land may give her increase;& save us from selfish use of what thou givest,that men & women
everywhere may give thee thanks;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For Travelers
O God our heavenly Father,whose glory fills the whole creation,& whose presence we find everywhere we go;
Preserve those who travel;surround them with your loving care;protect them from every danger;
& bring them in safety to their journey s end;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.
In The Book of Common Prayer/Episcopal/Sept 1979 ed,Seabury Press pub/Pg 814 Starts general prayers& Thanksgivings/#56,on page 831 has a prayer for The Victims Of Addiction:
O blessed Lord,you ministered toall who came to you:look with compassion upon all who thru addiction have lost their health and freedom.
Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy;remove from them the fears that beset them;strengthen them in the work of recovery;& to those who care for them,give patient understanding & perservering love .Amen
An Irish Benediction:May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
& the rain fall soft upon your fields,
& until we meet again;
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.Amen
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I had to come back & say,please excuse my typo s above ,I didn t proof read it ,as I went out for my daily walk.A daily walk can cut depression symptoms by 30%,according to the A A R P/American Assn For Retired People s buleitin.
I tore it out & taped it in my bathroom.Ive been taking a daily walk for the past 32 yrs..My go to cardio,with all kinds of fringe benifits.
12 % of the population suffers depression at one time or another.I had a younger brother that was bi polar diagnosed,mostly manic, but succame to the depressive episode back in 77.He had a different biological dad ,so he was a half brother.His dad was a detective,so they tried to say all the trouble he got into was me,making my life difficult back in the 70s.He moved to California,got a mechanics certificate from Long Beach Comm College,as did my older 1/2 brotherie,moved to Cal & got the mechanics certificate from Long Beach Comm College.,He also has since passed away 2 yrs back.
So my go to anti depressant is the Whey Protein Concentrate at a half scoop dose,not the Isolateform of whey protein.It has a full complex of amino acids 1/2 are good for depression all by themselves like glutamine l-,phenylalinine,gaba,tryptophan,tyrosine,bcaa s...SAMe is used for depression,&its base is methionine ,another amino.St Johns Wort Extract is said to be one of the best anti depressants,& Kava kava ext is said to be better than valium...One should always use a multi one a day without iron on any supplement regemin...
I recieved a Degree in Mental Health Technology with a Minor in Social work,back in 1979.
For the past 30 yrs apx,I ve been putting together my Health & Longlife Resource pages/apx a doz ,that go with my 4,5,6 leaf clover sales for charity,& alternately a talisman pkg with my health and longlife resource pgs..In said pages,ther a listed a 1/2 doz or so supplements for depression.
One year,I told the red cross hqtrs,they could hand them out,ie,my 4 leaf clovers or talisman sets with the health & longlife resource pgs, to people abusing stimulants,& tell them to use such anti depressant supplements from the health food store to help them get off such stimulants like the crack & cocaine,methamphetamines,etc..Once the stimulants wear off,they experience severe depression to the point of being suicidal
.Same can happen with ADD/ADHD learning disorders taking ritalin as a side effect.Partly why they favor concera and adderal on the latter,over ritalin.One out of 10 boys is diagnosed with ADD/or ADHD.
I have a book called the Physicians Guide To Life Extension Drugs by the Life Extension Foundation,Ive been a member off non for 17 yrs,which states:Pg 51 under Bromocryptine,Bromocryptine for cocaine detoxification.The American Society For Addiction Medicine in 1990 to 1991 ,stated bromocryptine was among the top 4 substances used for cocaine detoxification,and abstinance maintainance.
The others were amantadine,desipramine/a anti depressant,and l tryptophan/anti depressant that is about the same as 5/HTP found in health food stores,also,it was banned a while after a tainted batch caused some sufferring,but tryptophan ban was lifted after they found it was a contaminated batch.
Footnote ,Thanksgiving is upon us,and the epidemic of drug abuse may have some overdosing due to eating turkey with the use of these outlawed stimulants street drugs.So,another source of tryptophan is eating turkey.
So,in extension of prescription anti depressants used thus as above,their over the counter counterparts from health food store & mail order outlets can do the same job.
Writing this here can help spread the word,pass it on where appropriate and make our society a better place.
PS,the medical marijuana where legal can also help take the edge off depression as well,liquor,makes depression and anxiety worse ,once the booze wears off ...Be Blessed.
I thought Id also say I took a class in alcohol/substance abuse as a specialty class with my mental health/social; work major,& also that a social work technician rating came with graduation of such a major.A few yrs later,I took the State of NC soc Work Technician State exam,about 1982 ,and passed with a 93 % .
I recieved a Degree in Mental Health Technology with a Minor in Social work,back in 1979.
For the past 30 yrs apx,I ve been putting together my Health & Longlife Resource pages/apx a doz ,that go with my 4,5,6 leaf clover sales for charity,& alternately a talisman pkg with my health and longlife resource pgs..In said pages,ther a listed a 1/2 doz or so supplements for depression.
One year,I told the red cross hqtrs,they could hand them out,ie,my 4 leaf clovers or talisman sets with the health & longlife resource pgs, to people abusing stimulants,& tell them to use such anti depressant supplements from the health food store to help them get off such stimulants like the crack & cocaine,methamphetamines,etc..Once the stimulants wear off,they experience severe depression to the point of being suicidal
.Same can happen with ADD/ADHD learning disorders taking ritalin as a side effect.Partly why they favor concera and adderal on the latter,over ritalin.One out of 10 boys is diagnosed with ADD/or ADHD.
I have a book called the Physicians Guide To Life Extension Drugs by the Life Extension Foundation,Ive been a member off non for 17 yrs,which states:Pg 51 under Bromocryptine,Bromocryptine for cocaine detoxification.The American Society For Addiction Medicine in 1990 to 1991 ,stated bromocryptine was among the top 4 substances used for cocaine detoxification,and abstinance maintainance.
The others were amantadine,desipramine/a anti depressant,and l tryptophan/anti depressant that is about the same as 5/HTP found in health food stores,also,it was banned a while after a tainted batch caused some sufferring,but tryptophan ban was lifted after they found it was a contaminated batch.
Footnote ,Thanksgiving is upon us,and the epidemic of drug abuse may have some overdosing due to eating turkey with the use of these outlawed stimulants street drugs.So,another source of tryptophan is eating turkey.
So,in extension of prescription anti depressants used thus as above,their over the counter counterparts from health food store & mail order outlets can do the same job.
Writing this here can help spread the word,pass it on where appropriate and make our society a better place.
PS,the medical marijuana where legal can also help take the edge off depression as well,liquor,makes depression and anxiety worse ,once the booze wears off ...Be Blessed.
I thought Id also say I took a class in alcohol/substance abuse as a specialty class with my mental health/social; work major,& also that a social work technician rating came with graduation of such a major.A few yrs later,I took the State of NC soc Work Technician State exam,about 1982 ,and passed with a 93 % .
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The Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal,has Daily Morning Prayer Service.
It starts off with a bit of scripture,then the confession of sin/a General confession as opposed to" I did this n that n the other thing",specifically, as in Catholic Confessionals.
The General Confession,& can be used as Last Rites:
"Almighty & most merciful Father,
we have erred & strayed from thy ways like lost sheep,
we have followed too much the devices& desires of our own hearts,
we have offended against thy holy laws,we have left undone those things which we ought to have done,
& done those things which we ought not to have done,
But thou, O Lord,have mercy upon us,
spare thou tose who confess their faults,
restore thou those who are penitent,
according to thy promises declared unto mankind,
in Christ Jesus our Lord;
& grant ,O most mercifu Father,for his sake,
that we may hereafter live a Godly,righteous,& sober life,
to the glory of thy holy Name.Amen.
The Almighty & merciful Lord grant you absolution & remission of all your sins ,
true repentance,amendment of life,,
& the grace & consolation of his holy spirit.Amen."
[you should make a good act of contrition to the best of your ability ,where you may have harmed someone...]
This is incorporated into the Episcopal Morning prayer service & can be used as a abreviated form of last rites,as found in the Book of Common Prayer, Seabury pub co..
You can obtain a copy probably,at alibri . com,a a used book store or some other used book store ,great book.
20% of our U.S. population is moving into Social Security age years right now,the greying of America.
So,this can be referred to,with so many heading towards the hereafter in the near years to come...
As part of Last Rites:.Communion wafer may be given,expedient communion can be administered with just bread or a piece of pastry ,IMO...
Im sorry for your loss,instead of :my condolences.After my dad passed with cancer,I felt a degree of depression=grieving.Its a time ,I believe one must look after themselves,as it causes stress in ones life to a greater or lesser degree.
Stress in the medical/mechanical model,generates cortisol,a stress hormone,for fight /flight reactions.
This in turn,gobbles up the neuro -transmittors our brains run on,leaving our brains running on empty,which is why we feel bad.
Personally,I don t like feeling bad,so I leaned into walnuts and pecans to raise my seratonin levels a few times a week,after my family member passed .I also took a one a day vitamin,which ive been doing some 31 yrs now,on the one a day.
I wrote a term paper on transient situational disorders back in college .It had roots in battle fatigue/shell shock.It stated a duty expectant atitude was therapeutic.Extra sleep,even with sedatives,3 square meals a day...being treated at the front
.I was plagerized,someone used it as a doctorate paper,not too long after I wrote it,& I happened to see my work in psycology today...believe it or not.
So the difference is,this kind of stress can hit us when we lose our loved ones,natural disasters,diagnosis of major diseases...,,thus putting the extra stress on our lives,besides PTSD.
Over the ensuing yrs,I incorporated some of what I learned in my health & longlife resource pages,coupled to my 4,5,& 6 leaf clover sales,as a charity fundraiser for the past 30 yrs,mainly for the red cross.
In the past 20 yrs,I told the red cross ,they could just hand them out ,where appropriate,& put them on the bill as therapy.
I recieved a AASc in Mental Health Technology,with a minor of Soc Work,up in the Detroit Metro area.It was a para professional degree,& I can do therapy under psychologists,& masters of Soc Work,as well as psychiatrists .So its alsogood for pastoral counseling for chuch types like here.
Personally ,I have a low regard of prescription anti depressants.I believe the health food store supplements are kinder and gentler to our bodies.Whey Protein powder is one of my go to s for stress ,depression,mental fatigue....It has 4 or 5 amino acis that can be taken separatley for this,,phenylalanine,branch chain aminos,glutamine,gaba,...I like 1/2 a scoop,for dose,the other 1/2 can be taken 4 to 7 hrs later...
Saint Johns Wort extract is superior to prescription tricyclic anti depressants,its also called hypericin.In Germany ,they use it as a prescription drug,here ,it a OTC item.
The Wanuts and pecans boost ones seratonin level in 24 hrs,same principal as zanax,,zoloft,SSRI s/Prozac,.Avacadoes ,boost seratonin levels too.Turkey boosts the amino acid of tryptophan,but Ive had the Wicca flamin Frost say,it will ruin ones sex drive,Turkey will,&so its best left to those that are sex offenders,& celebates....
There is a supplement called 5HTP,for depression,best taken at bedtime for a good nites rest...anti depressant of the tryptophan type/anti depressant.
So,if you don t like one,try the next,is my philosophy;The Whey protein powder tho,has a combination of 4 or 5 in it.The B complex 50 is good for stress as well,with the multi one a day vitamin,& the whey protein smoothie,extra rest,3 squares a day,& try to keep extra stress out of ones life.
As for cancer,its said it likes to ffed on sugar,take extra anti oxidants,theres a new immune stimulant called beta1/3,1/6 glucans,which is 50 to200 times stronger than japanese medicinal mushroom s,like maitake,reishi,&**aki.
Most remissions occur in those that go on a veggie diet.I like meat,myself.There is TVP ,& one can add it in with meat to stretch the meat out.
Extra fber carries some of the extra fats out of our bodies tho
So,all that read this,I hope youll take this to heart,& know I m trying to keep some others from some extra hard time,,and allieviate unnecessary suffering.Be good to yourselves,I ll be having Chicken for Thanksgiving,in substitution for turkey,which I try to keep out of my diet.Be good to yourselves & be blessed.RevKHBostic,Soc Work Tech& Mental Health Technician.God bless us all Amen.
Theres a program her doc can prescribe ,its called hospice.Its when a patient isn t expected to live more than 6 mo,so they quit giving chemo,and treatments.Then the treatment is to make them as comfortable as possible.This is called palliative care ,til they pass on as peacable as possible.They also may want to get their docter to write a do not resusitate order,as a living will kind of thing...
under hospice its usual to give painkillers til they pass on,and the insurance will cover costs of it/
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Im sorry for your family troubles www.cancercenter.com may be a place you d want to check out.My dad checked out with cancer in 1987,after struggling with it for about 7 yrs.It started as skin cancer,metastasized thru liver, lung,colon rectum...He d have to use the enema bag and the drug store fleet enemas to have movements,his last 4 or 5 yrs,passed at the age of 62 ,a month before his 63rd yr...
I told him to just reload the drug store fleet enemas bottles with warm soapy/handsoap ,to cut expenses and do the same with enema bags.
Im a male ,and passed the State of FL nursing exam in Dec of 1980,while working at the S FL State Hospital as a Unit Treatment Rehab Specialist ,with a Assoc in Mental Health,minor of Soc Work.I wasnt into so much health food store stuff back then,but advised him to eat cabbage,& cole crops,and drink cabbage juice made by cutting up cabbage and boiing it.It has a lot of glutamine in it,and before they had tagamet ,they used glutamine for ulcers.
pepto bismol /bismuth helps discomfort in belly.He never got cancer treatments,but took motrin for the inflammatory symptoms/like arthritis/ that are about the only warning signs...
I told him patients that I had dealt with were bedridden,so they needed enemas to move the bowels,& walking some helps keep our bowels moving /peristalsis.
Walking some is good for everything...He had a broken back30 yrs beforehis death,I think that contributed in the long run...They gave him a spinal fusion for it....
What Ive read is that those who get remission go on a mostly vegetarian diet.Mexican food I fed him flour tortillas,no corn ,corn is bad for cancer as is sugar & hi fructose corn syrup...ie,freholes and chili salsa,salad stuff...tomatoes are good against stomach cancer,extra vitamins especially a one a day,extra 2000 IU of vitamin D3,its a immune stimulant...calcium is known to lower risks of stomach cancer ,so snacking on tums is good to chew...buy canned tomato sauce,water it down by half,throw extra onion,garlic,and italian spice,mabe a couple sweetener packs in for a' virgin mary'....
herbalhealer .com had archives of news stories and one article under breakingnews said 18% of cancer is caused by viruses so anti virals could be helpful especially during flare ups.cats claw herb is anti viral...probiotics could help with cats claw too,like acidophulusat 1 to 5 billion units not the measly 3 or 4 hundred million capsules,swanson vitamins dot com/ is one of the biggest mail order/check em out online...webmd.com is a free resource....dailystrength.org has free support groups...have a blessed day....PS,my dad showed me a article in theSunday paper,& said I don t need help right now,but towards my end I ll need you to help me.The article was on skin cancer,which said its metastatic if a parent had cancer in90% of cases,& he d had a couple skin cancers froze off at that time.He d also had a lot of exposure to herbicides like roundup,around a nursery/landscape business he worked a few yrs among other things....& may God be with us,everyone.Amen
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My sister Joanne...
in Good Wishes, Gratitude, Blessings and Prayers
Posted · Edited by revkhbostic
I also wanted to say Im sorry for your loss.Be consoled with thoughts that she has gone to a better place.Her suffering has ended & she s now in a fine place with all our ancestors helping her ...
As for you & yours,go to youtube.com & play whatever music you especially like to help take your mind off of those troubles.Be good to yourselves God Bless...
Revkhbostic Nov 29