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About PasteurBovy

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  1. Thank you for your reply. I now know what I want. After learning of the loins of my country, so I run my own place of worship evangelical, steps are underway! Thank you to the ULC and its members. pastor Bovy
  2. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Through this message, I propose to summarize the rights of ordained ministers the Universal Life Church: I hope to have answers. INSTALLATION OF A MINISTER OF ULC: 1) The pastor of the universal life church, he has the right in its country or state, to build its own place of worship as pastor of professionally ulcers (installation of a physical church to do there Offices and celebrations) or only online? 2) If so, can he wear the priest / pastor cassock Roman collar? 3) If the pastor at his place of worship, can you make it a website for his church, referring to its membership in the Universal Life Curch? 4) The Pastor is ordered and just independent, or is it official pastor of the ULC? In other words, he has the right to use the name of the Universal Life Church to stand as pastor? 5) In my country in Belgium, the marriage is official by the town hall, the pastor of the ULC can therefore perform a religious celebration lawfully by issuing a simple certificate and then send the bride and groom to the authorities to make their union official ? 6) The pastor may also after his ordination, perform an exorcism see baptism as pastor of the ULC? 7) Can you make it recognize the place of worship of the ULC by the authorities of his country? If you could answer these questions, it would help me a lot for my installation as pastor in Belgium. Thank you to you. Pastor Bovy