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Posts posted by Gwynn

  1. I would like to see us to move more in line with other modern, progressive European countries who are closer to the socialist (lowercase "s") end of the pool than the capitalist side. I would like to see a form of government sponsored basic universal healthcare but not Obamacare. Privatization by utilizing for-profit insurance companies was not the answer. I also believe privatizing education and the prison systems are also errors. I am not naive to the inefficiency of government, but at least the premise of government run services is supposed to have the goal of providing services to its citizens rather than the primary goal of making a profit. Instead of privatization of government services the effort should be placed on making the government run more efficiently. What is profitable financially may not be morally ethical. I find it interesting that most people who rally against big government also many times are the same ones who want the government to micromanage other things such as our sex lives. These same people also demand any and all government benefits they feel they are entitled to receive. They want subsidies, write offs, and loopholes as long as they only benefit the upper classes. Another issue I have is the lack of the perpetuation of basic moral values irrespective of a specific religion. It used to be that even television shows such as The Brady Bunch or Gilligan's Island reinforced positive social norms, basic things such as considering the feelings of others or that stealing is wrong. I also think a major problem is a lack of discipline in the upbringing of our children, up to and including the use of corporal punishment. Manners and respect have fallen by the wayside. I believe we should maintain a strong military, but with the goal of never having to use it. Diplomacy over bluster. I am liberal on the immigration issue. I am for tolerance but abhor political correctness. Actions are more important than the words we use. For example gays slurs do not bother me, but attempting to undo the legalization of gay marriage would.  I am for equality but against the concept of "protected" classes and the concept of "hate crimes." If someone murders someone who is gay, then prosecute him for the murder itself, not for what his beliefs about homosexuality are.

    These are just a few of my thought. For the record, I am a 47 year old gay white male. I am a White Witch or Wizard and a Pagan who honors a Welsh pantheon. My family is culturally Southern and rural. Although all of my grandparents were registered Democrats originally from south Georgia, my father's generation have mostly converted to Republican in the 1980's believing that Republicans represented Christian values. I myself am a Democrat, but I will vote across party lines.



  2. On 2/6/2017 at 3:55 PM, Gnostic Bishop said:

    From the Gnostic POV, she should have said that sometimes she says no.

    In Gnostic Christianity, we call God I am. And yes, we really mean us. Here is the logic trail Jesus set for that notion.

    Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.


    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.


    Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


    Jesus ascended to the judgement seat and takes mastery over God and a Gnostic Christian who reaches that level also does the same.


    It basically means to reach our full human potential.





    Hi Gnostic Bishop,

    Good point. She did tend to use the feminine pronouns for God in context of her practice of Gnostic Christianity, but she used standard male pronouns when speaking in general to the public at large.



  3. 7 hours ago, Gnostic Bishop said:

    Religions should be judged by their morality, rules and laws.

    Nice that you have found one that has equality as a requirement, if I read that religion right.

    That automatically makes your better and more moral than Christianity and Islam.

    If only you could cast a spell to help out those many oppressed women.



    I agree with you about the oppression of women. This low status of women was a result of Christianity taking over in Europe. In the ancient Celtic world women had equal status. They could rule over tribes or provinces, become warriors or priestesses, and own personal property. I feel this was a reflection of the Celtic religion which taught of Goddesses who were equal or sometimes superior to the male Gods.

    Unfortunately spells are really only a type of prayer. Just as prayers are not always answered, spells are not always successful. There are other factors involved whether you call them Fate, Wyrd, Karma, Cosmic Order, or Natural Law. Free will is also a factor. For those who believe in a God or Gods, the psychic Sylvia Browne (who BTW started a religious group based on her concept of Gnostic Christianity) used to say, "God always answers your prayers. Sometimes he says no." :)

    Bendithion (Blessings),


  4. On 11/27/2014 at 5:18 AM, Gwynn ap Gruffudd said:

    I prefer to use the triskele as a symbol of my faith instead of a pentagram. The triskele was historically used by the ancient Celts. The pentagram was adopted into Wicca from Ceremonial magic or Freemasonry.

    I still prefer the triskele as my primary symbol, and I do believe it was more likely that the pentagram was brought into Wicca from Ceremonial magic. But there is proof that the Celts did indeed use the pentagram in ancient / pre-Christian times.


    Celtic coin, Cantii tribe, Dubnovellaunus, (c.25 BC-AD 5), gold Quarter Stater

    I know that saying the pentagram is not Celtic has been a mantra used against Wiccans by other Pagan groups, but apparently ancient Celts did use it. Whether they spontaneously came up with the five pointed symbol, inherited it from their preceding Indo-European mother culture, adopted it from Pythagorean Greeks in Celtic areas, or appropriated it from Near Eastern peoples is a matter of discussion. But they definitely were aware of it and used it themselves :)

    Now I can proudly wear a pentagram ring along with my triskele pendant :P Actually my path is eclectic because the authentic practices of actual cunning folk in premodern Wales were eclectic so I would wear a pentagram anyway :)

  5. 9 hours ago, cuchulain said:

    Doesn't put me off, but that shouldn't be a surprise as I was a Druid for 20 years.  I do not say this to mock, so please understand that this is simply my view of all religion these days, but I view all of it as mythology and faerie tales, and as you say there is nothing more fantastical about one belief system than another. 

    I mean really...a man flew to heaven on a horse?  worldwide flooding in which the only family saved was Noah's, and we aren't all inbred?  Zeus gave birth to Athena by cracking open his head because he had a migraine?  Same difference to me, my friend.  The only difference for the religious is that they take it one step less than I do by believing in their religion, whereas I view it all as mythology.  

    Hi Cuchulain,

    I understand your point. My interactions are more like a voluntary suspension of disbelief than a headlong trip down the rabbit hole. I do not expect the Fair Folk to clean my kitchen and wash my dishes. Demons do not make my walls bleed, nor have I caught angels dancing on the head of a pin. When my car breaks down I go to a mechanic rather than invoking Govannon the Smith God to fix it for me. I live in the real world, but I do have a castle in Annwvyn/The Otherworld :)

  6. 7 hours ago, Gnostic Bishop said:

    Gnostic Christianity does not have such aspects and I think that assigning status to invisible absentee entities is a cop out to recognizing natural law and how it controls most, if not all of what we do.


    To me, to cry a supernatural wolf without showing the tracts or the ** is not a good thing and those who do believe in always saying the truth should recognize what they say of the Gods are lies.


    That is one of the things that bother me about priests, preachers and imams constantly lying to their sheeple about the supernatural.




    Gnostic Christianity has its Monad, Demiurge, Archons, Aeons, and a Goddess (Sophia, a personification of wisdom and female aeon/counterpart of Christ ). These aspects are every bit as supernatural as those found in other belief systems. Early Gnostic Christians were notorious for practicing magic and fashioning charms, examples of which still exist :)

  7. 3 hours ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

    Why must we have a god at all?  Any god?  Do we need a god or is it only a cultural habit?

    As a Polytheist, I interact with the Gods as I would a friend, lover, or family member depending on my relationship with a specific God. But it is not necessary for someone to have a God in his or her life. My ancestors would make war upon the Gods when they were at odds with them. I find comfort in my relationship with the Gods, but I make decisions for myself. Sometimes I feel they are trying to tell me something, but I weigh their message against my own thoughts. Ultimately, I am always responsible for myself. Neither the Devil (who is not a part of my belief system anyway) nor the Gods make me do anything I don't want to do. I also interact with angels, demons, faeries, and other spirits, but again I follow my own counsel.  As you suggested, I think the various ideas about God do owe much to their respective cultural frameworks, whether speaking of ancient or modern cultures :)

    BTW, I realize that speaking of my interaction with Gods, angels, demons, and faeries may put off some people, but I do not require others to endorse my beliefs in the supernatural for me to treat them with respect or for them to be my friends. My way is the path I have chosen, but I do not believe it is the only valid path. I feel that when a person believes his or her way is the only way it can lead to intolerance or self aggrandizement. I would ask that before others mock my beliefs that they would consider the more fantastical aspects of their own belief systems ;) 

  8. 4 hours ago, mark 45 said:

    don't sweat the minor details.people either accept you as you are,or don't.

    Hi Mark,

    True enough. It's just that I don't intend to mislead people, and some people (elsewhere, not here) were upset to find they had been talking to a gay male instead of a female. I prefer to avoid such misunderstandings if possible. I was not attempting to "catfish" anyone, and there was nothing sexual involved in any conversations. But I agree with you about not sweating the small stuff, although it seemed a big deal to others :) Imagine the horror of someone finding out he had been engaging in a bit of (social) intercourse with a gay male :P 

  9. BTW, for those who may have not noticed, I am male. I also post on other sites using my Welsh occult pseudonym as I do here, and I have found many think I am a female. Gwynn or Gwyn is a fairly common masculine name in Wales, but I guess many are confused because in America more people are familiar with the feminine form Gwen. I understand because I am American myself, although I am of Welsh descent. I may have inadvertently added to the confusion because I am a gay male. I occasionally make comments about attractive male celebrities, etc., which also may cause people to assume I am female. I have my gender listed as male on my profile, but people, myself included, do not always notice.

    Bendithion (Blessings).


  10. Hello Shinebright123. I'm glad I was able to recommend you talk to yourself. Silly me :lol: Glad you are still hanging around, whether as Shinebright123 or Cmbz423. BTW, same thing happened to me. I originally registered as Gwynn.ap.Lludd in 2012, but re-registered as Gwynn when I came back because I had forgotten my password and changed my email :)

  11. So, watching the only news channel I get without satellite today, they report that halloween began with the original settlers of america...uuuggghhhh, I hate redneck news.

    I'm sure our Druid ancestors might disagree ;)

    If they meant the early British colonists, they were Protestants and didn't acknowledge the Catholic All Hallows Day in any case.

    Well, at least it sounds like they didn't mention that "Sam Hain Lord-of-the-Dead" guy who has become a popular bogeyman for use in anti-Halloween propaganda :holloween:

  12. Hello everyone,

    The title of my post is a nod to the Panic! at the Disco song by the same name:

    Halloween is just few days away, and I just wanted to wish everyone a happy one!

    For me, being a dyn hysbys (wizard), it is the Welsh Pagan holiday of Nos Galan Gaeaf, one of the three Ysbryd Nosau or Spirit Nights. After the Trick-or-Treaters are done, I will be lighting a candle to my patron deity, Lludd Llaw Ereint, and having a simple ceremony in observance of the night. The doors of the Otherworld will be flung wide open, and I like to get Halloween themed milkshakes and ride around late at night taking in the spooky atmosphere. After I come back, I will be listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees along with my other favorite Goth bands or watching old horror movies until daybreak.

    What are your plans?

    In any case, I hope everyone is safe and enjoys themselves :)

  13. Isn't it hubris for man to assume that God would work by man's calendar? Why would an all powerful God work on our schedule, and not simply laugh at us for failing to grasp his?

    Hi Cuchulain :),

    I just don't know about that. The Celtic gods were pretty good about adhering to the ritual calendar; Samahin/Nos Galan Gaeaf is right around the corner :holloween:. Most religions have holy days to which God or the gods are supposed to pay attention. Of course I do feel that the holidays based on natural occurrences such as changing seasons or celestial events would have more validity than some random dates assigned arbitrarily by men. Perhaps the ancients did grasp God or the gods' schedule when creating their respective calendars (by observing Nature), but we have forgotten or lost some of the significance over time.

  14. My mother is Pentecostal and always warning me about the End of the World. I've been hearing "the End is near" preached since I was a small child in the 1970's. My deceased maternal grandfather had said they had been preaching the same thing when he was a child in the 1920's. One of the current theories my mother believes is based on the occurrence of a sequence of "blood moons." She believes Jesus may be coming back when one of the moons occurs at Rosh Hashanah. In any case, she is unhappy with my being a Welsh Pagan, and is always asking me what I'm going to do when the End finally comes. I jokingly told her that me and the other Pagans are going to put the batteries in Stonehenge, then everyone had better watch out ;).

  15. Most of the folks I am acquainted with, who are Christian, tell me that God is good and does not visit harm on his children. Only Satan does that and God doesn't "allow" Satan to do it, rather man does it himself thru free will. Free will only seems to be an issue when bad things happen and it would also seem that only God is responsible for the good and that free will has nothing to do with the good at all.

    I personally do not believe in an omnipotent god like the God of Abraham. I believe in gods who are divine ancestors, but they are not perfect nor omnipotent. I attribute most things, good and bad, to being products of free will, whether it is mine, yours, or someone else's. But I think there are also times when things just happen randomly without someone necessarily being responsible. I do not understand how Christians can read the The Book of Job, and not believe God allows Satan to do evil to mankind. The Bible also seems to clearly indicate that God is the creator of all things, including evil. There are verses in the Bible were God sends lying spirits himself to deceive people so they end up in trouble because of what they were told. I am no longer a Christian, but perhaps, as you mentioned in your initial post, some Christians will comment.

  16. Hi Brother Kaman,

    I was skimming a book that had a section dealing with witchcraft and magic in Elizabethan Wales. A Calvinist minister writing in that time period was lamenting the way the Welsh people were still turning to the village wizards or cunning folk in times of need instead of God. The minister's position was that God intentionally visited calamities on people as a means to make them turn to him (as if to remind them he was still around). Since the family you mentioned above did just that, I guess it worked. Seems like a horrible way to get someone's attention.