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Posts posted by Kerailyn

  1. Hi Pagan Peace Maker,

    Welcome to the board. I also combine alot of different elements in my practice, and I use the umbrella term "classic" Witch to describe my path. I am a Celtic Pagan for the most part, but I freely employ various magickal and spiritual "technologies" to get the job done. I mix Witchcraft and ceremonial magic(k) with Celtic Mythology and folklore, Reiki, and spirit mediumship,among other things. Nice to see another Pagan (not meaning that I don't like those of you of other faiths ;) ), look forward to hearing from you :) .

    Merry Meet!

    Interesting...I'm Celtic too. I practice "Backwoods Sorcery". Reiki is also part of my path...but more on the Shamanic side. I plan on posting a lot. Blessed Be )O(

  2. Greetings and welcome to the ULC. I notice you said Fairy Faith. Do you think that the wee folks have their existence in a specific spectrum of the electromagnetic light spectrum?

    Actually, I belief that the Fae live in a dimension called "the Otherworld" in a place called "Fae Forrest". They don't operate on "electromagnetic light"...they operate on Pixie Dust!! :biggrinthumb:

    Greetings PPM,

    I wrote a post a while back about a man I met who claimed he saw a gnome. It was very interesting. Have you ever had contact with the fair folk? If so, what was it like?

    Merry Meet! I don't quite know if it was a Faerie or another spirit. But it was a ball of blue light. It was amazing!! I also see moving objects in the sky all the time that aren't stars, planes, or helicopters. UFOs? Idk...

    Pagan Peace Maker,

    Hail good folk! I've studied many of the craefts you've mentioned as well, though I freely admit I stick to more traditional Nordic Old Ways, being a Runic Vitki employs many similar elements of rite, ritual and Workings.

    Glad to know there's someone else on board that at least knows how to properly keep a cauldron boiling! (j/k) :clown: (...well besides Fawzo, but the last time I thought the Newb Stew was a bit over boiled there me bucko.) :rofl:

    In all seriousness, I look forward to learning more about your path PPM.

    Blessings of Peace,

    LOL! I'm glad to see you have a sense of humor. That made me smile :clown(1): Namaste'

    So what you are saying is that you pick and choose those parts of other paths that work for you and combine them into an eclectic personal belief?

    Yes :dirol: I even have names for them :harhar:

  3. "The Craft of the Wise" or simply "the Craft" refers to the healing methods, magickal systems, and way of life of those of the Old Ways. My preferred healing & magickal system is a combination of Wiccan Witchcraft, Kitchen witchcraft, Hoodoo, Power Doctoring, Native American Shamanism, Celtic Shamanism, Faerie Craft, Earth Magick, Huna, Astrology, Numerology, Dowsing & "White" Magick. I call this System of Magick "Backwoods Sorcery" (b/c I'm a Magician that lives in the boonies). My Way of Life combines Wicca, Shamanism, Druidry, Fairy Faith, Gnostic Christianity, Sacred Geometry, the Tarot, & Buddhist Teachings. I call this Way of Life "Philosophy of a Backwoods Sorcerer (PABS)". But hardly anybody will know what I am talking about when I say I just say "Wicca". If you want to know more you can Personal Message me. Blessed Be )O(