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Everything posted by Zequatanil

  1. I actually like this explanation--it is from http://www.jeshua.net/ Jeshua, Jesus and Christ- The Christ energy that I came to offer you stems from a collective energy that has gone beyond the world of duality. This means that it recognizes the opposites of good and bad, light and dark, giving and taking, as the aspects of one and the same energy. Living from the reality of Christ consciousness means that there is no struggle with anything. There is a complete acceptance of reality. This absence of struggle or resistance is its main characteristic. Since Christ (or the Christ energy) recognizes the extremes of all thoughts, feelings and actions as the manifestation of the one divine energy, there can be no duality, no judgment in the way ‘he’ (the christed energy) experiences reality. Let’s give an example here. When the Christ in you watches an armed conflict between people, her heart weeps for the fate of the beaten one, but she does not judge. She feels the pain and humiliation with each blow, and her heart is filled with compassion, but she does not judge. She watches the offender, the one with the gun, who has power, who inflicts pain, and she feels……..the hatred and bitterness inside of him, and her heart grieves, but she does not judge. The heart of Christ embraces the whole spectacle with deeply felt compassion, but without judgment, for she recognizes all aspects as experiences she has gone through herself. She herself has lived out all of these roles, of offender and victim, of master and slave, and she has come to the understanding that she is neither of them, but that which underlies both. The Christ energy has passed through all the energies of duality. It identified itself now with the dark, then with the light, but through it all, something remained the same. And when she realized this “sameness” underlying all her experiences, her consciousness obtained a new kind of unity: it was “christed”. The christed energy was the energy I came to offer you. Who I was is quite difficult to explain. I will try so by distinguishing between three ‘identities’: Jeshua, Jesus, and Christ. I, the one who is now speaking, am Jeshua. I was the human being who carried the Christ energy in my incarnation on Earth. This energy may also be called Christ. Jesus - in my terminology - is the name for the Godlike man who was the result of the infusion of Christ energy into the physical and psychological reality of Jeshua. This Christ energy was poured into Jeshua from spheres of Light which are - from your standpoint - located in your future. Jesus was the man who performed miracles and put forward prophesies. Jesus was an emissary from the spheres of light, incarnated in me. In fact, he was my future self. Jesus was, from my perspective as the man Jeshua living on earth, my future self, who had become one with the Christ energy. Because the Christ in him was clearly present and visible to many people around him, he appeared to them as divine. I, Jeshua, was a man of flesh and blood. The unique and to some extent artificial aspect of the “Jesus-construction” was that I received his/my Christed self from the future. I did not become christed on the basis of my past and the experiences therein. I did not achieve enlightenment in a natural way, but by means of an intervention from outside so to speak, by an infusion of Christ energy from the future. I had agreed to play this role before I began this lifetime. I agreed to be ‘overshadowed’ by the Jesus presence, as an act of service, and also because of a deeply felt longing to get to know the reality of my deepest potentials. Jesus, my future self from the spheres of light, had become one with the Christ energy. Yet he did not represent the entire energy of Christ here on earth, for this energy encompasses more than Jesus. He is one part or cell of it. Christ or the Christ energy (it is more like an energy field than a personal entity) is a collective energy which has many aspects or “cells”, which are cooperating in such a way that they function as one “organism”. All cells make a unique contribution to the whole and experience themselves as individuals while being part of the whole as well. One might call these several aspects of the Christ energy angels or arch-angels. It is the hallmark of angels that they have a sense of individuality as well as a high-degree of selflessness, which allows them to feel one with collective energies and be joyfully in their service. http://www.jeshua.net/
  2. Wishing everyone the most wonderful New Year--May all your hopes, wishes and dreams come true! I especilly wish you all health, happiness and love--well and plenty of money, but only if the other 3 previous are present, otherwise it dosn`t mean anything! Be sure to eat lots of lentils!--old Hungarian custom--it means you will have lots of money coming your way in the new year. Eat no fish--then you luck will swim away--no two footed animal--like chicken--then your luck will run away!....sorry emoticons don`t work!!! Happy New year!!! blessings and love, Suzanne
  3. I second that!!--God bless us everyone!--now back to the turkey . love, Suzanne
  4. And to you too Songster--we shall not miss the mothership next time--but till then onward do we plough. We probably still have stuff to do here-- Have a great evening ! blessings and love, Suzanne
  5. Thank you--Al, Grateful and everyone--! Have a blessed day--pray , love, eat--and diet after the holidays! love and hugs, Suzanne
  6. Beloved Mithrandir-Thank you--and may your day be a blessed one. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. And his name shall be called wonderful, councellor--the Mighty God--the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!! May this Christms be most Holy with the coming of Our Savior , Our Lord Jesus Christ--Our Lord! And may the day and all the days of your life be filled with love, joy and happiness surrounded with your family! wishing you love, light and peace- Suzanne
  7. What a touching story--thank you for sharing Hermano. There is so much to the human soul, perhaps one day we shall know more, but I think that humanity is becoming more aware as we evolve. blessings and peace, Suzanne
  8. I agree with you Al. Often these connections turn up for some, hardly any for others, though they are looking--why not? Somehow I feel it does have to do with some kind of predestined map or connection. It is said, which I also believe that we reincarnate in "soul groups"--not randomly. Some souls are perhaps closer to us because of this,--thus we recognize the "signs" regarding the connections.This would make some sense of the idea of connection for me. Like in NLP- there is the map and there is the territory. Taking a snapshot in time--and standing back and seeing it within its total context gives us more insight. Perhaps those numerologic connections are also simply pointers--as within all, including numbers have specific vibrations. I do believe --as in the runes and other methods of divination the messages are there for all to read, who is willing--it isn`t predicting the future nothing to do with that at all--it is reading the map. All exists in one "eternal moment" within one "cosmic consciousness". There is no past, present or future. That for me is the "grand secret"--or maybe all is a "grand illusion" blessings and peace, Suzanne
  9. Thanks for the great stories--Al! Talking about looking for each other--I can attest to the fact that it has happened to me.I wasn`t looking he certainly was, we met on a prayers site--mine. The first words he wrote to me was that he has been searching for me. I asked how did he find me--his response was-how could I not have found you I always have, this one was easy, this one in Canada some others were more difficult. He said he recognized me immediately from my words. But, also that he had encounters in dreams with me through the years--so he said he knew exactly whom he was looking for--consciously. He was living and studying in theology at St Michael`s College/ U of Toronto when we moved to Toronto--but when we met, he was living in Vale, Colorado. He`s a very serious philosophical writer/ it is his entire life. I too, but not that serious at all --except I did finish my novel, he is almost done -well that is up in the air about finishing. But he isn`t really a fiction writer. I wasn`t even thinking about it but I knew it once I was made aware of it. We too--as with your brother remember similar stories as well as with your wife--I don`t remember, as many as he does. There are some other weird things as well-- Our lives are almost parallel in every detail--to 99%. Like things happening in different stages of life, moving, leaving countries same age( more than one)--German background--with some Jewish--, same interest in studies/religion. Same very close relationship with mother, same problem with one sibling, including the same number of siblings/ one sister/one brother--in same order. Same interests/ philosophical / theological views--he`s an ordained New Thought minister (1999)who is a strange Catholic. Same practices and interest in healing/ lots of energy work/ he`s an Indigo/Crystal, I am an Indigo . Even same accidents--I was a serious car accident short--but I caught up with the one in 2010--All is in the uncanniest way--like he will write exactly what I think. His birthday( not year ) same as my mothers, his fathers same as mine Go figure. Having said all this above--I seriously think that things maybe predestined in a way--otherwise how would one explain the parallel lives? What else could be happening? I have met literally thousands of people through my work, and know their entire life--I haven`t found any that so closely paralleled ours. So what is happening? Coincidence? Also we have many same names in our family--his is same as my brother, which is--Oliver, his sister is Katherine same as my mother, including my middle name, his aunt is Suzanne, his mom is an artist like my mom. His brother is the same age as my sister, his sister is the same age as my brother --re remembers me from a past life as Klarissa and told me before he knew that I had a Klarissa in the family, when he did I got chills down my back and other stuff he said--by my grand daughter was named Klarissa before we met each other. As for other star systems--well that is an other long story as well as some other lives--later. Well how is all them apples? Real kooky? I am sure--well I thought I would share All coincidince??--maybe. blessings and peace, Suzanne
  10. Those are super!I love them--wow, you are very talented.-- St Eom in NIrvana is absolutely adorable!! Do your children have the gene.. ? Now if that is "the portrait of the artist as a carefree lad"--I would love now to see the artist with a wife and two kids now. Congratulations--great stuff--I dig it to quote a certain Rev`d Rattlesnake AKA Mithrandir and RW. ! blessings and love, Suzanne
  11. I hope not too soon-- I kinda like you posts I am sure there is a lot to this for a huge % of people have had the experiences, and the number is rising as we start being "more aware" of our "spirit" life . Also, many have had memory flashes of different worlds. The two sun one and different sun`s are quite frequent. blessings and peace, Suzanne
  12. #1--Yes, with restrictions #2 -under no circumstance #3-No
  13. This sounds to me the safest!--but as I mentioned I always had some fear about not getting back--severing the "silver cord" . The "negative entities" never occurred to me, for I haven`t to date was confronted by one--but now thinking about it a definite possibility. My "twin soul" is very spiritually developed, he always has encounters--he seems to attract them, but they are simply around . He has some good protective techniques. The thing is , they are probably always around, he being so sensitive is aware of them. Also he does a lot of "metaphysical work" and that probably attracts them--mind you most of the time he has many more "positive entities/angels" around. He laughs and says he never has a moments peace--the place is always rocking Also he is never at home when he is sleeping, always busy doing something elsewhere--it is natural for him to leave. I wish I could do if for he even actually remembers all. He dosn`t have to do anything--mind you he meditates/prays many hours daily. He says his whole life is one "mediation prayer" --probably that is the reason he can come and go with ease. I can`t--only in dreams only when I make a conscious effort--mind you we actually conduct most of our conversations this way, we are very good with this method--Yeah we are crazy . blessings and peace, Suzanne
  14. You sound right on and in tune-- OMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds real good to me! namaste, Suzanne
  15. It is absolutely beautiful--but I love classical music in whichever way it comes. However--this was just marvelous and incredible. As well as being one of my two favourite Bach and Rossini---so it is even more special! It amazes me how talented people can be--!Thanks Mark for posting it! We need more of this uplifting music in the world. blessings and love, Suzanne
  16. Umbraedeus--what happened you have become your very name"shadow"--where did your avatar go? Hope you haven`t gone off with that "chariot"-- There is an emoticon I would loved to have posted--but my list is out of service. Next time! peace, Suzanne
  17. Of course--Jonathan, Fawzo. God created us to experience Himself/Herself/Itself/Themselves all through us. We are merely the sounding board, or the tool. --as we do, it becomes a symbiotic relationship--we grow as well as "GOD/Gods or whomever" grows and expands through the experiences. These days I have to be specific and politically correct about the"name" blessings, Suzanne
  18. Hi Rev`d Rattlesnake--I love your story--you sound way too cool . I wish I could have seen you, maybe I did--I shall search the records --maybe we should do a group search of the"Akhasic records". To be honest--I am quite sure that many of us have met before--one can feel that, one does not have to meet in the flesh. Mostly I think it is only flashes that we remember, I am convinced it is not our imagination--but most people I think do, but they just don`t think deeply about it. I think the more one searches one`s psyche, the more one tends to remember something. blessings and light, Suzanne
  19. Thank you Beli Mawr!--but now we are on this conversation do you or Salem Witch Child have any experience in "soul travel" or "astral projection" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection-. It fascinates me and frightened me a bit--it was the fear of not being able to come back...but that was then , this is now--it would now be blessing not to come back perhaps . I used to be interested years ago in Eckankar--but I got very disenchanted with it due to its founder. It is very common in the eastern religions/philosophies but I think to be able to achieve it one needs tremendous amount of practice. I know that it is often a well known practice in your 'Craft". blessings and peace, Suzanne
  20. I agree Fawzo-- and perhaps I feel that we actually have to experience "all"--I think this s very close to the Buddhist view. This is the only thing for me that makes some sense if we believe in an after life of the soul--IMHO. Mmm you made my mind wander..... a trip on "The Enterprise" would be fun--zipping through galaxies--I guess it has to be some other star ship as "The Enterprise" was just retired-- oh I missed the boat or is that star ship. live long and prosper, Suzanne
  21. I love your story--Sounds fascinating Belenos--I am sure it is true! I think the more we try and search for it within our soul the more we slowly start to remember--especially when you work with energies, then you become more attune and receptive to things that are veiled. It is almost the more one practices the more one remembers. But in this age many are more aware--. My great grandmother was a spiritualist--and that was almost considered a `dark art` then. Look at Blavatsky and others--they were rather few. Today--it is a common acceptance of energies, spirit, angels--past lives, reincarnation. Maybe we are finally evolving more into spirit--guess it is the age of Aquarius--or of awakening. bookstores and the internet is filled with this subject--yes, we are searching and today everybody has heard of it, not all believe but I read somewhere that almost 70% of people do. I also have one memory that I remember flying low over the ocean--I had no body. But I was conscious. blessing and light Suzanne
  22. Lovely story--! I too know of 4 people that I have been together with through many lifetimes--One being my twin flame--regarding him, he knows much more than I do-- and the funny thing is he remembered many of the same incidents as I did, before I told him, even names --2 England ones, the hunting lodge one, and the Moorish. For me the Moorish one is very faint and short--. In the latter we were killed, he remembers the long version, but I don`t remember actually dying, being actually killed, he does. I was a Christian he was a Muslim. Also--most of our relationships always ended on a very bad note-- So hopefully this one won`t--and then at last we don`t have to reincarnate any more blessings, Suzanne
  23. I actually remember quite a number of lives--however I was never very important 1 in Egypt--as I said, 2 were in Vienna, 1 outside of Vienna--in one I was a man, otherwise I always have been female of the ones I remember. I remember no deaths, neither do I remember any close to the sea--yet I have a very strong affinity for the sea--it is almost uncanny longing for it since I can remember--my mom always said since I was a child that I must have been a fish once . Maybe that memory just hasn`t surfaced yet--that I think is much deeper--maybe to do with Atlantis or MU--I don`t know. In the Vienna one as a woman-- I did know Franz Schubert--he was a family friend I feel--no romantic connections to me ! I was present the time he played Ständchen for the very first time on a huge white piano--I remember the event well, as he walked in through the huge white double doors with the music sheets under his arm. A small man with round glasses, curly hair. He then sat down to play. -- An other I was in the mountains, in a hunting lodge outside of Vienna-an other 2 in England--17th and 18th century, 1 in Spain during the Moors. Some of them I have actually written down in detail--but again they are simply incidents--some very long not just a snap shot, but like a complete event--or like a complete day. I also remember most of the names. Maybe I am just crazy espavo, Suzanne
  24. I remember one incident distinctly, like a snapshot--I remembered this during self regression. I was in Egypt, I was female--I was a maid, in a white dress--not a slave. Just watching a scene. I was in this huge Egyptian palace, very high--all white stone or marble, beautiful place, even had palm trees--like a huge closed courtyard with a roof , but all closed with garden in it and a man made pond in it, like a square swimming pool but very shallow, little water in it and rocks below, high sides so nothing could come out of it--there was a low bridge crossing from one side to the other. There were people watching--I felt I knew them, I was especially aware of a man with a huge red beard--he looked like a Viking, but his dress was more Roman , with leather belt and straps, sandals. Strange-- because Egyptians had dark hair. He was standing at the top of this pool on the bridge--there were crocodiles below--maybe three or four, and he was actually throwing a person to the crocodiles. And I knew that he was throwing Jewish slaves to the crocodiles, I also knew that he was a Jew himself, his name was Aaron and mine was Saffron--and that I knew him very well. I also know who he is in this life. I looked into this --and this was a frequent practice to have crocodiles as pets of the Egyptian elites, more so for pharaohs and to do this--prior to this I never even heard of the practice. Neither did I knew that the Egyptians were the only ones that used saffron for healing/ also I never heard of saffron before this. This memory incident happened with me many years ago--and in S. Africa we never used saffron. I would think that we somehow we remember moments that affected us very much, or were very memorable. I have a few more stories--for later. Even stranger. blessings and peace, Suzanne