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Posts posted by Zequatanil

  1. From Magyarorszag--Hungary

    With a little back ground id you don`t mind,

    Isten aldjon--God bless


    Bánk Bán -Hazám,hazám Lyrics & Chords

    Bánk bán is an opera composed by Ferenc Erkel in 1861, based on a stage play of the same title by József Katona. (Bán is in English, similar to a viceroy, a duke or palatine.) The main storyline is based on the assassination of Queen Gertrúd in 1213, wife of Andrew II.

    This is the most known aria of the opera-a tenor aria-the most patriotic aria of Hungary.

    Dalszöveg --Lyrics

    Mint száműzött, ki vándorol

    Like an exile who wanders

    A sűrű éjen át,

    Through the thick darkness of night

    S vad förgetegben nem lelé

    Whom in the wild storm cannot find

    Vezérlő csillagát,

    His guiding star,

    Az emberszív is úgy bolyong,

    Man`s heart wanders in a similar ways

    Oly egyes-egyedül,

    So lonely and alone

    Úgy tépi künn az orkán,

    Whose torn apart outside by wild winds of the storm

    Mint az önvád itt belül.

    Just like by his conscience within.

    Csak egy nagy érzés éltetett

    Only one heart felt sentiment kept me live

    Sok gond és gyász alatt,

    During this pain and mourning.

    Hogy szent hazám és hős nevem

    That my holy homeland and heroic name

    Szeplőtlen megmarad.

    Shall forever remain immaculate.

    Most mind a kettő orvosra vár,

    But now both are waiting for the physician,

    S míg itt töprenkedem,

    And while I am here pondering about fate

    Hazám borítja szemfödél

    My homeland closes its eyes in death

    S elvész becsületem!

    And my honor shall be lost!

    Hazám, hazám, te mindenem!

    My lhomeland, my my everything

    Tudom, hogy mindenem neked köszönhetem.

    I know that I owe all and my life to you.in gratitude.

    Arany mezők, ezüst folyók,

    Golden plains, silver rivers

    Hős vértől ázottak, könnytől áradók.

    Drenched in heroic blood , and flooded from all the tears .

    Sajgó sebét felejti Bánk,

    Bank is forgetting his throbbing pain and wounds,

    Zokog, de szolgálja népe szent javát.

    Wails in tears and pain but still serves his people`s in holy duty.

    Magyar hazám, te mindenem!

    My Magyar homeland, you`re my everything!

    Te érted bátran meghalok,

    For you I will fearlessly die,

    Te Szent Magyar hazám!

    You my holy Magyar homeland!

    Magyar hazám, megáldalak!

    My Magyar homeland I bless you!

    Szép érted élni, érted halni,

    It is beautiful to live for you, to die for you,

    Te hős magyar hazám!

    You my heroic Magyar homeland.!


    story of Ba`nk Ba`n found -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A1nk_b%C3%A1n

    A little about the 1956 Revolution--

  2. My Dear Grateful,

    No, you point out the very reasons many don't "like cats", but an animal lover is a "Life given by the Creator Lover" none the less, it's just that some of us have our preferences. I've had many dogs and when I lived "country" couldn't think about not having one or ten, whatever the Creator saw fit to send my way. At my peek, 22 cats, 7 dogs, 12+1 laying chickens, 8-20 rabbits (depending on the hour!) 6 hamsters and a 200 gallon fish tank and a chammilian and 4 canaries oh my! We were affectionately called "The Zoo at 97" (our street addy #) Nearly all were taken in as owners either abandoned or gave them up due to circumstances...with 7 1/2 acres a big difference than a 3/2 house in crowded neighborhood as we are now. 2 hours twice a day just cleaning kennels, broods and cages and feeding time was the most adorable pile of licks and fur ever!...but I digress... unsure.gif

    Cats are my chosen pets because I DON'T have to: Walk them 2-3x's per day for bathroom, clockwork routine of feeding, make room for them on lap/chair/table/couch and whatever else I had...(a "dog" to me is at least 40 #!)..and physically we just can't keep up with them any more.

    We still love dogs to death but cats are independent, use a box, can be left for 2-3 days without any anxiety over their well being and usually have "their spot" off in the back room somewhere or high up on the hutches. No leash laws, no barking at everything that moves and so on...just a lot easier with cats in our older years. We always have a treat for "Coco", "Willie", "Dancer" and "Elmo", our neighbor's lap dogs who stop by when out for their walks, but "Damien" (all 8 pounds of Chihuahua!) has to stay on other side of street because he thinks cats are chase toys.

    We had no real intention of getting more cats as we had our 3 older ones, but when Herbie and Turbo were hatched on our patio, well, ya know, those cute little faces and they took to us straight away, regardless that Momma cat tried to tell them "No!" She climbed my frame one of the first times I picked up Herbie and I still have those scratch scars plus her bites from last month. (Yes she's the one that took the trip)

    Cat lovers have their list of reasons and so dog lovers, but the main thing, a lot like our Beliefs that we understand and respect each other for those preferences as neither "like" is better or worse, good or bad. If I could, I'd have a 100+ acres with tigers, bandikoots and lemurs oh my! Horses, racoons and even a badger or two, something about ground hogs makes me smile and squirrels are wonderful little creatures too. Oh yes, if we could, there'd be a zoo again for sure, but limited in space and physical ability, cats, well they just seem right to us!

    We had a Morgan horse "Queeny" when I was a kid, so huge and oh so graceful! Mom has a pic somewhere of 8 or 9 of us kids on Queeny's back, all in our cowboy get ups. I knew a fella up in Willow Creek that had 60+ llamas and alpacas (I think I saw Fawzo there once!) for wool sales and what trippy animals they are. And I could go on and on about our affections for so many different animals.

    So enjoy your dogs that give you so much pleasure and love, and we'll have our cats, rustling paper, chasing balls and crashing tables at 4 a.m. and all! Pets are simply a blessed joy, no matter what type or kind one thinks is "Best"!

    Blessings of Peace,

    I love your story Atwater VItki about your family--thank you for sharing it!--there is an old Magyar saying---the one who loves animals and flowers cannot have a bad heart, neither can he be a bad person.

    I always have what God sends me--used to be dogs,--now I am a catwoman--with 2 fur kids- :cupidarrow: Used to have fish and bird at one point--When they leave--I say never again, and then there is someone on my doorstep the next morning. :chococat_h4h:



  3. I am grateful that I woke up this morning happy

    I am grateful that I heard my favourite song today on the radio

    I am grateful that my sick plants have taken a turn for the better

    I am grateful that I heard a wonderful sermon from my favourite minister

    I am grateful that my mom celebrated a great birthday and she is simply in great health

    I am grateful that I have one or two new friends here

    I am grateful that I received a letter from my new friend

    I am grateful that God has blessed me with so much, and such happy memories

    Please remember to light a candle--


    blessings, peace and light to all of you

    --may God--or whomever you conceive that to be--, be with you every step of your lives.


  4. Very happy and contented--

    I always tell people if they are not simply change what you are doing. I have always been this way--sure we all have a bad day, some temporary sadness, but that dosn`t change anything for me. I have never wanted to be anyone else, do anything else that I am doing as a profession, would have the same family--and don`t regret anything, no relationships, look any different, change the people in my life--partings from loved ones, lovers--none has never ever been on a bad note, not a single one.--infact, I am a better person through all that has transpired in my life. I carry no red in my aura--no baggage whatsoever. I never ask God for anything, only thank Him, and ask to show me His will--

    Even if I pray for an other for some event, my prayer is always --for God to do what is right.

    A favourite minister of mine--Charles Price here in Toronto-- just the other Sunday said--Jesus never ever said `please` to God. It was always a prayer of thanksgiving and for His will to be done.

    AS for money--I believe God always provides--in my case anyway. I have never had problems and never worried about it--I know this is not the same for everyone, but maybe this is because I truly believe that God will provide always--he always has.

    Since I was a child I remember a statement from my aunt, she is still around--she said `always be contented, happy never look up but down--and see how bad it is for some people. And life can always get worse especially if you do not appreciate what you have--and thank God for His blessings.` This is also why I spend as much time with my family as possible--especially my mother--so later I shall have no regrets.

    Yes--I am very happy!



  5. PIck and choose.

    Mix and match.

    Is knowing and not doing

    better or worse than doing and not knowing?

    Knowing and not doing--much, much worse.

    Is it worse to notice the need and ignore it

    or provide the necessary assistance - but only if you someone ASKS you first

    Worse to notice and ignore it--also much, much worse.

    When faced with a need knowing you have ability to render assistance

    would you tend towards careful consideration of what will happen to you first before you act or does that response fall far short of the example of the Good Samaritan who acted without hesitation believing if I don't/ who will?

    When faced with a need knowing I would render assistance without a thought--maybe just first checking for safety, but nothing else.

    Is it more harmful to hit another with your fist or with your tongue?

    This is a hard one as well--With the tongue, much worse I feel --that stays forever, physical wounds heal. Physical abuse scars for life but generally from a loved one, or a trusted one.

    What is the difference between a miracle, Karma and good luck that remarkably beat the odds?

    Miracles--Life is filled with miracles every moment--we tend to view miracles that are supernatural in nature--things that seem to be odd according to the scheme of everyday life, often perceived as supernatural or from the divine.

    Karma--All actions have a reaction--thus we have to pay for our transgressions or be paid for our good deeds in this life, or the next physical life to come, if you believe in re- incarnation. If no--you go to hell considered a mortal sin. :evil:--if you are in the good karma book-- :cloud9:

    Good luck--perhaps it is the reward for some distant good action that we have done--maybe we don`t even know--Well this is a hard one--if I knew I would call on it more often--maybe for some lotto numbers :grin:

    Is it more desirable to have unquestioning faith, blind tolerance , or unconditional kindness?

    Difficult question--there is more involved here --

    Unquestionable faith--that depends what it is to me, to my soul, heart--But I do question and have my own views on faith as well as my religion.

    Blind tolerance- depends also--if it is for different faiths, creed, colour--then blind tolerance, it is their personal life and choice.Otherwise I simply can`t :furious: tolerate stupidity, ignorance and bigotry--

    KIndness--is the most desirable of the three-- as it covers all--well as a Christian I shall quote John-

    John 13:34

    "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.




  6. I am dying to post this--forgive my language--I shall wash my mouth out with soap--but still post it!!


    ** happens.


    If ** happens, it's not really **.


    If ** happens, it's the will of Allah.


    ** happens because you don't work hard enough.


    Why does this ** always happen to us?


    This ** happened before.


    ** happens because you're bad.

    Hare Krishna

    ** happens rama rama.

    T.V. Evangelism

    Send more **.


    No **.

    Jehova's Witness

    Knock knock, ** happens.


    There's nothing like a good ** happening.

    Christian Science

    ** happens in your mind.


    Maybe ** happens, maybe it doesn't.


    Let's smoke this **.


    What is ** anyway?


    This ** doesn't bother me.



  7. Thank you for sharing the story of MIlo--he was a very special soul. You were blessed and he was blessed. We remember them so well-don`t we? Every single one of them were special--

    This just a reminder to you and all of us that as we, animals carry on and we shall meet again--this is for you Grateful, Atwater Vitki and for whomever a sweet furry spirit`s soul has ever touched.


    Thank you --

    Blessings and love,


  8. All the animals that we have had are very/were very special, with their very own special story--I shall just share one. But I have had quiet a few-- :cupidarrow:

    My daughter`s father-in-law, Papa as they call him, had a little Westie named Blanche--he certainly was not a man in need of a little dog. When I met him, he had her for about 6 years already. She certainly did not have a good life, a very hard and tough one indeed--during the day she was locked in the furnace room, lying on bare concrete--and even nights. She didn`t receive many kind words--at times she was often around when he, or company were having dinner--it was always the case that she would be fed after dinner--poor little thing watching as everybody was eating.--and she was often shouted at and threatened loudly. Yes--she was walked a little, but was fed very little, only dry dog food. Papa said--she can`t tolerate anything else, and nothing is good for her anyway except dry dog food. Often she would get into the garbage in the kitchen at night--and there would be major trouble in the morning.

    Well--Papa decided to move to Calgary--and it was too troublesome to take little Blanche--he decided to put her to sleep. I already had two cats in an apartment--but I could not let it happen , so I took her in--she was so very grateful--tail wagging like a fan.. She started getting all kinds of nice food, treats--slept on my bed--his teeth were real bad and had gotten a serious medical condition after a couple of months.

    I took him to the vet--diagnosis was not good--cancer. They asked me what should they do--I said operate and whatever happens, happens--Almost $2,000 later little Blanche was home--a huge operation and minus a few teeth. We went for long walks in the park--she got warm clothes that winter--and she was very happy--9 months later she started getting bad arthritis and a huge lump in her side. We got some pain killers and slowly she started to deteriorate--about 3 weeks later--I got home from work--she crawled onto my lap looking at me in the eyes --and 30 minutes later she died in my arms. She actually waited for me to get home--She had a wonderful 15 months with me--As my daughter commented one day when she was over--saying Blanche thinks she has died and gone to heaven--she is there now. She lived more in 15 months than in her entire little life.

    Thank you for reading!

    Blessings and love,


  9. I have been heart broken so many times, and in so many ways that I cannot even begin to relate it all.... i told you I didnt have very good luck with relationships.. Just the tip of the iceberg for example, my current GF has cancer, AND she is going away to prison for quite some time in the very near future. My last GF is now a hooker for drugs in WV. The one before her? Her ashes hold a prominent spot in what was once our home...

    Still.. I would not change a single moment with any of them... Well, ok maybe i would change the "bad' moments... Still though, whether I am with them or not, whether they are alive or not, I cherish each of them and would not trade the love that I have for them for anything in the world..

    I am really sorry about all the tragedies in your life--sometimes things happen and we have no idea why, especially as it is said; to good people`. But--nothing is permanent but change, is what I hold to be true--I hope and pray that from hence forth your life will be filled with light and you start a new chapter. --and hope it is the end of all the sadness

    This is for you with love;




  10. Thanks for sharing--what a beautiful message it portrays. We have never bought an animal ever --they always turned up due to some condition. They always seemed :cupidarrow: to have found us. I have never been without an animal ever in my life--used to be dogs, now it is cats :derisive: --Felix and Alice are my fur kids.



  11. I am grateful that the little fig tree in a pot that I have had for almost 25 years has finally returned to the world--it has one leaf. I thought I had lost :cupidarrow: it

    I am grateful for hearing from a friend --that all is well

    I am grateful for the great day we had on Thursday night

    I am grateful to have seen the crescent moon last night

    I am simply grateful for today

    Please light a candle!


    blessings, :cupidarrow:


  12. The eternal question--Is it better to have loved and lost or never have loved at all?

    This simply mot just a question about romantic love, but circumscribes a number of issues where love is concerned in any way or form--Is having more pain better or worse ? Does it make us better people?

    Would you choose the same path? Do you regret that relationship, marriage? Had the child that died early? Said things to loved ones that shouldn`t have/should have? Joined a monastery/left one? Chose a different life? Had that cat/dog/goldfish that died and broke your heart? --and any other that comes to your mind :cupidarrow:

    blessings and peace,


  13. I am a person that absolutely hates change, uncertainty--yet as Hermano put it--the universe is forever changing. The only thing permanent in life is change, yet the way we live our lives it dosn`t seem to reflect that. At this point in my life I have come to a point where looking back the only permanence in my life is my faith, my God--sadly, not even my family for I have lost some, children grow up, we move from here to there --friends become mortal enemies and the face reflected back in the mirror is a stranger. We swear eternal love--and within a short span of life we wonder if the experience was real or not--Was it a dream? Did it happen? We don`t even know where the people we swore to love forever are.The sad thing is we even question why did we feel that way and feel rather doubtful about it--even uncomfortable.

    It was certainly a well defined colour at that moment--now it is a faded grey , all washed out and seems quite unreal. And everything is like that. And the sad thing is that the more passionate a person is the worse at the end. Some people are hard, tough, nothing seems to phase them--but the sensitive, romantic, feeling crowd seem to be forever suffering. Is that weakness--well probably yes, --but I still think it is better than just having a rock where one`s heart should be.

    Now on that happy note I shall say adieu--and keep on :russian_roulette:suffering.

    peace and blessings,


  14. Here's an excerpt from a text that is rarely discussed:

    "It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I dwell in the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am perception and knowledge, uttering a Voice by means of thought. I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize it (the voice), since a seed indwells them."

    — Trimorphic Protennoia.

    To discuss your question Br.Hex would defeat our purpose of this group--for again as when we discuss the Bible or any other spiritual belief there is always a `pro or contra`view--none of us can prove anything , simply argue about it. Theology is a subject that falls into the realms of legend, myth and the mystical--thus holy, mysterious and unknowable. But then I am no theologian. To me the gnostic view --the cosmology and wisdom is just as valid as any other sacred writing. But who has real `gnosis`--who can say. Again I have to state my favourite phrase` we are in the same boat, only sitting in a different section --rowing to the same destination`. Thus what one sincerely believes is the truth--is the way.

    As with all things of spirit, it is really just a matter of faith. You believe or you don`t--we only have myths, legends from sacred, inspired writings from ones who perhaps were more enlightened or those who had a connection to the higher realms, some of us would say --Universal Mind /Consciousness/Source or --God.

    Thus it all depends what you believe, what faith you hold as your compass or what religion shows you the way of understanding that which is beyond understanding,beyond comprehension and beyond man--but we still have the need to search, for we feel the need to know, or feel that we are more than `nothing` that perhaps in some way we are part of some `divine power`.

    Most religions have a creation cosmology--however all of them are simply myths and legends. We either believe it all, or parts of it--we have the need to believe or then nothing makes sense--to most of us anyway, not all.Perhaps it gives a sense of belonging , of feeling that there has to be something more and that we, as humans are the most special part of creation separate from other forms of life. the chosen ones.

    ~Blessed are those who believe who not yet have seen~ --I doubt than in human form we have the capability of vision. Gnostic wisdom has much to awaken within us that which sleeps--and to me it proves that Sophia is well within the human spirit be it distilled found in the writings from the Gita, the Bible, the Koran, the Apocryphon of John , the Trimorphic Protennoia or any other important sacred text, legends and mythology. We can all learn from them for they light a path towards the spirituality of man.

    Thank you for posting an excerpt from this ancient faith wisdom-religion.

    Blessings and light,


  15. .

    I've recently gotten into a debate elsewhere regarding the term "angel", and that while the basis of the word is Greek, "angelos" as was used by the Greeks does not refer to the same type of spiritual creature as those found in the Bible, but is simply a job description as "messenger".

    The term messenger has always been the translation--I think for some reason it got twisted into something different. But the 72 names I was referring to are not really angels--but names of God. Often it does get confused--even the way I posted it. Thanks for the explanation --

    namaste and blessings,


  16. Maybe RabbiO is into Kabbalah --perhaps he has some insight for us. Also how general Judaism speaks about them Also if the good Rabbi would tell us what type of Judaism he practices--

    ------oops sorry RabbiO :doh: ---which denomination you belong to.

    blessings and peace,,S

  17. Yes--I am sure they are in Hebrew . I find then so beautiful and especially the meanings and what it manifest.

    Maybe RabbiO is into Kabbalah --perhaps he has some insight for us. Also how general Judaism speaks about them Also if the good Rabbi would tell us what type of Judaism he practices--I personally know a few different branches of denominations.There are a number of breakaway branches --like during the Christian reformation as well as ultra orthodox--I do believe even synagogues are all independent and autonomous.

    I know people in the Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn movement, he assumed the leadership of what is the Lubavitch movement--I also know some orthodoxs and Hasidics in my circle.

    I do believe that Synagogue congregations have slight differences and are entirely separate from each other. Maybe RabbiO could please tell us.

    blessings and peace,
