Ex Nihilo

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Posts posted by Ex Nihilo

  1. Dan, it was the Roman Church that pushed the anti-Universalist theology that eventually eclipsed the early Universalist theology of Christianity. So, in a way, you are supporting Roman Dogma by rejecting Christian Universalism. It's funny how history makes strange bedfellows. ;)

    I support your right to believe that your brand of Christianity is the true faith to the exclusion of all other paths. God bless and keep the faith!

  2. Anglicans and Lutherans offer private Confession. However, with Anglicanism it's not a requirement, just an option. The Anglican rule on private confession is: All can, some should, none must. For most, the general confession made during the service and its accompanying absolution is sufficent.

    As for other groups, IDK. I think evangelical and reformed pastors will counsel privately those who are burdened withsomething, but that's not quite the same.

    I have done private confession and found the process immensely cathartic. It's important to remember that the whole affair is kept in strictest confidence by the priest so it's not going to get unburied, it'll get released which is a pretty awesome feeling actually. Of course, going directly to God is a great way to make your confession. I think, unless you're a catholic or orthodox christian, the issue is one of conscience...and here's a little tip, most priests have heard it all and won't likely be shocked by your admission unless you've done something REALLY outrageous like doing unseemly with a dead animal carcass while wearing a easter bunny mask on a full moon....I mean...errr...I can imagine that would arouse shock...I don't know from experience or anything....Don't judge.

  3. I admire his candor. It always amazes me how scientists act morally superior to religionists as they pat themselves on the back for being so open to intellectual freedom and yet let one person point out that the emperor has no clothes and all of a sudden the vitriol and character assassinations rain down with a zeal that would make the Spanish inquisitors proud.

    There are new frontiers in science that are not being explored to their full potential for fear of upsetting the apple cart of current scientific presuppositions and those who see it as their job to protect them...

  4. All validly ordained priests are in the Apostolic "bloodline", meaning they were ordained by bishops in the Apostolic college, which is all bishops who have received their consecration from prior bishops who themselves received their orders in the long line of tactile Apostolic succession, dating back to the apostles, and originally Christ himself. There are several lines of succession but they must all reach back to the Apostles or they aren't valid. This is the thinking of Catholics, Orthodox, and Anglicans. More protestant denominations, even those that require an episcopal form of government, generally do not require tactile succession for valid orders.

  5. As far as teaching men to fish, it has long been established that it is fairly difficult to teach someone who is starving. So while giving a man a fish might not be a good long term solution to his hunger, it might be a necessary component of one.

    ding ding ding! Bingo.