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Posts posted by Songster

  1. Nice story, MD! Thanks for the chuckles! (My Dad's 82. I noticed when we were visiting last Thanksgiving that he's started repeating himself. After dinner, while my Mom and I sat talking on the couch, my Dad was sitting in his recliner with his legs up and his eyes closed. Speaking softly so I would not wake him, I asked my Mom if she had noticed that he was repeating himself. Before she could say anything, he opened his eyes, looked at me and said, "I don't have Alzheimers... and I still hear good too.")

  2. It has been a great honor being named a compassionate mentor. Not wishing to sully that designation I have been silent, for the most part, while G-d has been vilified, Jewish scripture has been vilified, Jews have been vilified and more. Well, I guess I'm going to have return my secret decoder ring and mentor badge. If I, who have stood up in defense of other people, defense of their spiritual paths, defense of their rights no matter their sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, skin color or politics, will not stand up for myself, for my people, my scripture and my traditions, then I do not have the right to call myself or to present myself as a rabbi.

    I was wondering if you were reading the excrement thats been smeared throughout this thread.

    One of my favorite quotes, and the reason I am so vocal in my disagreement with a questionable premise:

    Plato- "Your silence gives consent."

  3. So Songster in your mind heros thrust a spear or sword through the hearts of pregnant women and two year olds, whose only crime is living their life in the town in which they were born in.

    I would like to go on record as saying that even today I feel the Jews behavior in the extreme way they retaliate against the Palestinians is barbaric and keeps the wheels of hatred and terror rolling right along.

    So Fawzo, in your mind the killing of innocent children and pregnant Jewish women by Arab suicide bombers is OK. Are Arab suicide bombers your heros?

  4. I use those letters when I'm writing, too. Big "G" for my Diety, little "g's" for the others. Why should making that distinction in my posts be interpreted as any more disrespectful than another's insistence that my God is imaginary and that belief in any diety is based on ignorance and/or fantasy?

  5. Since you asked.... Why would you base the structure of your church on the organization that was responsible for the destruction of Gnostic Christianity and the death of it's followers? The same question applies to your desire to incorporate the Book of Common Prayer. I am not necessarily opposed to the adoption of ritualistic ceremony or practices, but if you're aim is to offer an alternative, why start by copying the existing models?

  6. Disclaimer- Before I answer these questions, I'd like to say that I am extremely aware of my own imperfections, and though I believe I am an excellent judge of what is "right" or "wrong", I have too often failed to perform up to my own standards.

    Is knowing and not doing

    better or worse than doing and not knowing?

    Knowing and not doing is worse than doing and not knowing.

    Is it worse to notice the need and ignore it

    or provide the necessary assistance - but only if you someone ASKS you first

    It is worse to notice the need and then ignore it (whether they ask for help or not).

    When faced with a need knowing you have ability to render assistance

    would you tend towards careful consideration of what will happen to you first before you act or does that response fall far short of the example of the Good Samaritan who acted without hesitation believing if I don't/ who will?

    I have been in this situation several times.... having inserted myself into situations where I could have been injured or killed in order to assist another or keep another from harm. I have to admit that I acted without forethought, and chastised myself afterwards for having placing myself in danger without due and proper consideration of the possible consequences. Since I know I am not "brave"... "stupid" may be a better word to describe my actions.

    Is it more harmful to hit another with your fist or with your tongue?

    I have employed both methods... verbally in an effort to provide needed instruction, physically to apply appropriate discipline. I believe physical correction leaves a more lasting impression. Which is more harmful? I'd say both have their uses.... and consequences.

    What is the difference between a miracle, Karma and good luck that remarkably beat the odds?

    Miracles happen when there is a suspension of natural/physical laws that govern our physical world to alter the logical (or usual) conclusion of a given situation.

    Karma is one of the physical and spiritual laws that governs all of us. Basically stated as- "What goes around, comes around." It has also been presented as the Golden Rule- "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Only the application of the Law of Forgiveness can cancel an individual's Karmic debt.

    Luck, in my opinion, is pure chance, and is something that I do not hold in high esteem because it appears to me to be bestowed all too often on those whom I feel to be undeserving of the benefits.

    Is it more desirable to have unquestioning faith, blind tolerance , or unconditional kindness?

    Unquestioning faith and unconditional kindness are (IMO) both desirable states, but I believe that the later is a condition acquired by the presence of the former. To me, blind tolerance benefits no-one. (See the above questions about "Knowing & Ignoring".)

  7. I believe in Racial Purity, not just the "White" Race, but for all Races. As I have stated in a couple of places "When you add the ‘Ethnicity’ card into the game, there is plenty of diversity within ones ‘Race’".

    I believe in genetic research and under certain conditions I believe in genetic surgery. I believe that we owe the generations to come to rid the races of the scourge known as disease.

    I believe that the only Christian required under Biblical admonition to be married to ONE wife is the Deacon/Bishop.

    Obama is a dangerous President, but not as dangerous as Romny.

    When you first started posting in the forum, I suspected you were being purposely confrontational to stimulate discussion. Since I was not certain of your motivations and could not prove my suspicions, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. However, since it was recently revealed that you were not even truthful when you filled out your profile, I have no reason to accept anything that you present on this forum to be an honest reflection of your true personality or thoughts. Since you appear to post what you deem important in large bold type.......

    I have no confidence that you are who you say you are, and doubt the validity of anything and everything you have posted in the past and will disregard anything you might post in the future.

  8. Fawzo, It appears that, once again, I have been unsuccessful in my attempt to effectively communicate my certainty in my Faith without giving offense. (I apologize.) There is no proof of God's existence that can be realized or recognized without prior Faith. One should not depend on the learning of mere mortals when seeking knowledge of God.

  9. even more accurately.. Any given God is improbable. Assuming probability theory is sound..

    You are free to assume anything you like... another's delusion and denial has absolutely no effect on my reality. As for "Probability Theory"... even if it's 50% right, then it's at least 50% wrong.

    Then you must have proof that you can share with the rest of us?!?!?!

    Would you accept the proof if it was placed in front of you? Belief in God requires Faith alone. You either have it or you don't.

  10. Great info, Kim! I'm a coupon-clipper from way back. I even have a coupon caddy that organizes and separates them. I save an average of $10 a week by using coupons. Last year, when they opened a new Kroger, I bought $200 of groceries for $115. Buy-one/get-one-free items where you can use coupons for both items really cuts costs.There have been changes over the years - where they once offered coupons for 50 cents off the purchase of a single item, now days most manufacturers have started requiring you to purchase 2 or 3 items in order to use a 25 cent coupon.

  11. I've only viewed one or two episodes so I'm not immersed in the story. From what I've seen, I think it's well directed and performed by excellent players. What's with calling the dwarf an imp? Or is imp politically correct, and dwarf taboo?

  12. Rev. Al,

    I finally made it down the list of topics to this one... Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    The change in Norway's constitution doesn't really affect me at all, so my opinion is of little import. I'd be much more interested in how your relations living in Norway view the change. Is it going to change anything (other than the financing of the Lutheran Church)? Did the government previously ban other faiths? Were they discriminated against in other ways? Was it done to satisfy the demands of a very vocal minority over the wishes of the silent majority?

    I guess the last paragraph of the article states my concerns better than I can- "So while Norway has ’lost its religion’ and gone secular, Norwegian should reflect on whether this is a true change for the better, a step towards equality, or a reaction to tragedy and yet another wedge between humans and spirituality."