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Status Replies posted by Kingfisher

  1. Praise be to Artemis Phosphoros, the bringer of light. May the amphiphontes shine in the darkness. A blessed Mounukhia to all.

    1. Kingfisher


      Hey, nobody ever wished me that before. Thanks! Meh, I could use a bath anyway...

  2. "If we want to help humanity in a practical way, we must begin by setting an example of mutual respect, harmony and cooperation." ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama

    1. Kingfisher


      Heh, not a peep from the guy in three days and he tweets the exact moment I quote him... Thought I'd share for those interested in watching.

      "HHDL live from Ireland - April 13 Dublin 9:45am (GMT+1) & Kildare 1:45. April 14 University of Limerick 9:20am."

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Baby, its cold outside

    1. Kingfisher


      Expecting record cold in upstate NY.. wind chill may reach -50°F tonight!