Brother Michael Sky

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Status Updates posted by Brother Michael Sky

  1. I just dropped my phone in a cup of coffee.... DOH !!

    1. nestingwave


      Them coffee mugs are gettin bigger while the phones are gettin tinyier--must be a transmutation--I lost me keys in my bowl of soup.

    2. Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      Rev. Justice Rivermyst

      I wonder if it counts if you lose your printer in the toilet..

  2. Great to see ya on the forum Rev Earl ! I know you're busy, but keep visiting us !!!

  3. Must be something in the wind.... folks are riled up this past week. Phone has been ringing, and folks are fighting.. what is going on?

    1. nestingwave


      Universal meltdown. Upward oscillation timing adjustment causing severe physical stress-- emotional pissedoffatosis and rectilinear righteous indignation coupled with uncontrolled spiritual outrageamitis. Other than that--things are normal. :o)

    2. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      whew, glad that's cleared up...... now i can find my ointment....

    3. vickijava


      I know this is a delayed comment on an old thread, but I have to say, nestingwave's comment cracked me up!

  4. going to breakfast with the family, then onwards to a good day !!

  5. It's AWESOME out today...... I'm loving it!!

  6. Striving for balance in all things - and not always successfully...

  7. awesome! how about everything else?

  8. Yes it will !! and better the next and the next as well... :)

  9. Thanks for checking on me !! I'm much better and ready to ramble on again...

  10. My energies are strengthening... I'm feeling better and better.. all that's left is a sinus infection...

    1. RevRainbow


      very happy to hear that! You are in my prayers. Please pray for me too. I am having a bit of a rough time. Thanks.

    2. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      I most definitely am, my friend !! All Good Things To You Rev Rainbow !!

    3. Atwater Vitki
  11. slowly coming back into the world of the living...

    1. vickijava


      I read that you were sick in a blog, I had been wondering if you were better now. Glad to see this post. I enjoyed your thoughts shared. Vicki

    2. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      Hey dude, you still among the living?

      Our continued prayers for your swift recovery...if it's the same flu we had last month...expect 3 weeks of bad stuff!...but you will LIVE!

      Blessings of Healing and Health bro,


    3. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      Still checking in on ya buddy...hope all is well!

  12. hey Reverend Tony, glad you decided to post your question... and of course we are all interested in your spiritual journey. Pick the appropriate forum and give us some info !! we'll jump right in...

  13. new record on my thermometer - 105.9 .... I'm supposed to be dead now, aren't I?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      getting better... I got a digital because i didn't believe the glass one....

    3. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      actually 106 is the brink of "dead", but have read about as high as 108 with no permanent dain bramage!

      GET WELL!

    4. Brother Michael Sky

      Brother Michael Sky

      whew. good thing I started dain bramaged...

  14. Hello Yanesh, Thanks for adding me to your friends list... I've been enjoying your posts and I look forward to more!!

  15. Welcome indeed, Reverend Irma ! I received much joy from reading your initial words to this forum... I certainly hope you decide to stick around and join our conversations... you will find fellowship with several members here and respect from the rest, please stay and speak more of your belief...

  16. How could I not stop in and visit the self proclaimed " Kilted Reverend" ? You need to talk to HQ about that award... sounds like a good idea...

  17. Happy Birthday !! Treat yourself to a chocolate dipped pickle.... or tell Dh to get you your own reese's cups.... :) hope it's a good one !!( birthday that is - not the pickle.... all pickles are good....

  18. How's it hangin', Fawzo me mate?

  19. thought I'd stop by to say HI!!

  20. lol.. didn't work... but i'm sure you'll figure it out..

  21. I have an additional e-mail account listed on my profile...