Brother Michael Sky

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Posts posted by Brother Michael Sky

  1. There are coincidences, and then there are phenomena.... To which would you ascribe the following?

    Everybody finds the occasional penny or nickel, but my family has been finding dimes.....

    Two years ago, my wife and I lost our son, Danny. After the initial shock of his passing, the long grieving process started. We still talk to, and about, Danny every day. Anyway, a couple days after his funeral, a friend of ours was telling us that Danny would let us know when he was near by leaving a dime where we would find it. I wrote it off as a "wives tale". That day, my wife went into Dan's room alone to lay on his bed. When she she came out, she told me that she felt that Danny had been sitting next to her, and when she looked on the floor, right next to his dresser was a dime. (Dan was a "neat-freak" and would never have left one there on purpose). I didn't think anything of it, as Danny could have accidently dropped it there before he passed. The next day she went back in his room and yelled for me to come in with her. When I got there, there on the floor was another dime. Again, I didn't think it was anything, in fact, I thought it was the same dime that she had seen the day before. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, and checked the rest of the room for lose change. There was no more lose change anywhere in his room, but the next day she found another dime, this time on top of his pillow. She continues to find dimes everywhere- there were 4 more in his room, a couple in the grass next to his beach chair (Dan worshiped the sun), 5 on the bottom of the pool, it's almost everyday that she finds one. Over the last couple years, my wife has found about $10 in dimes. The other day our oldest son said he's been finding dimes too. It's strange.....but is it just coincidence? Or is Dan showing his presence?

    Have you heard of this "wives tale" or witnessed a simular event?

    People will chuckle and make disparaging comments - but you are experiencing something that others have as well... I am smiling about the way your family dealt with the death of a loved one. Continuing to acknowledge, and send positive prayers and thoughts to those who pass over, is a gift you give them. They ARE still aware of us, and when we shut our minds to them - there is nothing they can do. But when we keep our minds open to them - they can bring us an assurance that life goes on... in a PERSONAL way, which fosters a surety within us.... It is the negative, painful thoughts which slow down the connection - Loving, hopeful thoughts give them strength, and allow them to deliver signs and messages...

  2. It happens most frequently quite unconsciously.. ( the meddling ).. it is the very rare individual who has the abilities emerging, who would CHOOSE to meddle.

    But you are realizing that thoughts, feelings, emotions and such, are not contained within the body. They are broadcast for you to pick up..... think about that....

    also think about this : You are describing what I consider to be natural abilities, emerging into your conscious awareness. You are becoming more sensitive, and your projections are getting "stronger" in other spheres as well.

    Without the conscious awareness which ACTUAL meditation brings - you will be completely blind to what YOU are projecting towards others your feel "connected" with....

    And it is not a pleasant thing to be dragged into another persons uncontrolled creations in the Astral, because the individual sees no reason to control the mind....

    I'm definitely NOT trying to be a wet blanket, but there is a way of progressing down the path you are questioning, and there are a million ways to stall and make no progress.... no matter WHAT abilities a soul finds emerging, they will only come to their true potential by acknowledging that some of this is a bodily process, and there is work to do from that perspective.... the vessel must be spotless for the messages to have that character as well...

    Like I said, I do not mean to be a wet blanket - or discourage you - but in some matters, I would rather have the info ( irregardless of where it comes from ), than make the inevitable mistakes of ignorance....

    My intentions are for your best good, and you may take what fits and ditch the rest, as usual - simply my opinion.....

    In short form : concentrate on the meditation ( just not so hard ), and you have my personal guarantee that the rest will start to make sense...

    This may help : It is a subtle moment, but right before you drop off to sleep, there is a moment when your body is asleep, but your mind is still awake - right before you drift off..... where occasionally you will think a quick parting thought before you drift off..... have you ever noticed this moment?

    It IS the proper stage of meditation... you do it naturally every night.

    The problem is you are STOPPING it from happening, when you try, by conscious control..... you are focusing on the connection.... so it remains....

    Try instead this : the natural "feeling" of falling into this stage involves a subtle weight sensation - and a falling inward... some folks hear sounds as they slip deeper ( loud bangs - or whooshing, or some such.... ) - but remember it is a NATURAL process, you must stay very relaxed... and the process is the very same as falling asleep - except you are aware that that moment is approaching, and you are determined to "stay" and remain aware in the body... from there there are countless ways to proceed - all up to you..... it is the state of being "disconnected" from the physical body which brings the change of perspective....

    ( sorry that was so long - but I really thought it needed to be written here with your questions... :) )

    edit: that's why it's called FALLING asleep....

    There is a very good book by Dolores Krieger, cofounder of Therapeutic Touch which is very good. I can't think of the title. I learned the basics of therapeutic touch by following the exercises in the book.

    Therapeutic Touch derives from the tradition of Theosophy. If you can locate a chapter of the Theosopical Society, you will find the instruction reasonably priced.

    Reiki is also an excellent system of spiritual healing. For that, you will definetly need a teacher. Some teachers are great. Others, not so much. The price of instruction varies greatly.

    The Barbara Brennan school has good teachings.... ( The Hands of Light book ) More than your average .....

  3. That's kind of funny. I never thought of using it for meddling. Even so, I probably wouldn't. There would probably be too much backlash doing something like that. lol I'm too lazy to take responsibility for it.

    I've been reading this book by Rose Rosetree entitled "Empowered by Empathy: 25 Ways to Fly in the Spirit". It's a New Age Christian based book and it's really interesting..

    The only things I haven't really mastered yet are meditating and turning off the empathy at will.

    It's hard for me to meditate, seeing as my mind buzzes fifty to a hundred miles an hour. I'm easily distracted with a short attention span. I'm thinking if I worked on it a little bit each day that it would get easier to do. That's with everything, though, right?

    I looked through Barnes & Noble's New Age section and couldn't find a single book on empathy, even with help. Later on, I looked it up on the internet and Miss Rosetree was the only person who wrote on the subject. Ordered the book through Barnes & Noble and now I have it. :3


    It happens most frequently quite unconsciously.. ( the meddling ).. it is the very rare individual who has the abilities emerging, who would CHOOSE to meddle.

    But you are realizing that thoughts, feelings, emotions and such, are not contained within the body. They are broadcast for you to pick up..... think about that....

    also think about this : You are describing what I consider to be natural abilities, emerging into your conscious awareness. You are becoming more sensitive, and your projections are getting "stronger" in other spheres as well.

    Without the conscious awareness which ACTUAL meditation brings - you will be completely blind to what YOU are projecting towards others your feel "connected" with....

    And it is not a pleasant thing to be dragged into another persons uncontrolled creations in the Astral, because the individual sees no reason to control the mind....

    I'm definitely NOT trying to be a wet blanket, but there is a way of progressing down the path you are questioning, and there are a million ways to stall and make no progress.... no matter WHAT abilities a soul finds emerging, they will only come to their true potential by acknowledging that some of this is a bodily process, and there is work to do from that perspective.... the vessel must be spotless for the messages to have that character as well...

    Like I said, I do not mean to be a wet blanket - or discourage you - but in some matters, I would rather have the info ( irregardless of where it comes from ), than make the inevitable mistakes of ignorance....

    My intentions are for your best good, and you may take what fits and ditch the rest, as usual - simply my opinion.....

    In short form : concentrate on the meditation ( just not so hard ), and you have my personal guarantee that the rest will start to make sense...

    This may help : It is a subtle moment, but right before you drop off to sleep, there is a moment when your body is asleep, but your mind is still awake - right before you drift off..... where occasionally you will think a quick parting thought before you drift off..... have you ever noticed this moment?

    It IS the proper stage of meditation... you do it naturally every night.

    The problem is you are STOPPING it from happening, when you try, by conscious control..... you are focusing on the connection.... so it remains....

    Try instead this : the natural "feeling" of falling into this stage involves a subtle weight sensation - and a falling inward... some folks hear sounds as they slip deeper ( loud bangs - or whooshing, or some such.... ) - but remember it is a NATURAL process, you must stay very relaxed... and the process is the very same as falling asleep - except you are aware that that moment is approaching, and you are determined to "stay" and remain aware in the body... from there there are countless ways to proceed - all up to you..... it is the state of being "disconnected" from the physical body which brings the change of perspective....

    ( sorry that was so long - but I really thought it needed to be written here with your questions... :) )

  4. Congratulations. Your development is unfolding. This is good. Don't use it to invade the privacy of others. Spiritual development needs ethics -- or it becomes the dark path.

    I'm with Jonathan...

    watch closely for things that relate to your new senses..... exactly WHAT are you picking up and WHY? - it can be very tricky figuring that out, but well worth the insight, it will clue you in to what else to watch for....

    edit: I am actually surprised that you did not relate seeing specific numbers on clocks..... like 11:11, or all 2's, or all 5's - numbers are like signposts - our minds latch on to them when things are happening in our life we need to pay attention to......

    and as far as what Jonathan said - I agree thoroughly, but understand that sometimes you do not get to choose what you receive... do not be overly embarrassed or discomfited by what you pick up - there will be an underlying reason for it all... and do not make the mistake of thinking that just because you pick something up, that it has to be shared....It will be, of a majority of times, strictly for your edification....

    Remain thankful and wondrous - that is the proper mindset... :)

  5. Yep, but they couldn't scratch out all of the references. They had to leave in the passage that says that the Baptist was Elijah returning to announce the coming of the Messiah. There's also the verse about one of the blind men that Jesus healed. The disciples asked if the man was born blind because of his sins or his father's sins, and the Christ told them that the man chose to be born blind just to allow the Christ to heal him.

    at the site that tsukino_Rei posted, you will find a whole section which connects reincarnation to Christianity - very detailed, and developed over quite a bit of time now...

  6. My understanding? As I have noted before there is an old rabbinic dictum that if one runs out of questions one is either a fool or one is dead. I don't think I fit either category - although second opinions are always welcome - and so my understanding expands and contracts, reaches outward and inward in a continual dance. Sometimes I run into a midrash I've not seen before, sometimes something in a text speaks to me in a different way, sometimes an experience brings an insight. Sometimes I get reminded of something that, while not forgotten, I had not considered in awhile.

    For example, we are in that part of the Torah reading cycle covering Genesis. I had not considered in awhile just how funny the Torah, as well as the rest of the Tanakh, is in certain places, and just how humorous those moments would have been to my ancestors. I was reminded because I was re-reading, Genesis 24:64, of that moment when Rebecca first sees Isaac. Virtually every English translation says that either she alighted from her camel or got off her camel or descended from her camel or jumped from her camel....

    That is not what the Hebrew says. What the Hebrew says, rather, both creates a funny mental image and opens up potential inquiry because it changes the dynamic of the scene. What the Hebrew actually says is that when Rebecca first saw Isaac she fell off of her camel. In a more colloquial English way one might say Isaac blew her away or maybe knocked her socks off, but just the original language brought chuckles.

    well, it should be assumed that I will never stop asking questions.... so your understanding will be regarded on a moment by moment basis... it shan't get stagnant... :)

    I MUCH prefer her to be falling off her camel, actually.... I love it when the texts show us a human moment - it is why my son is named Ichabod....

  7. At my age what you take for ducking and dodging is just my bending down and not being able to straighten up again while I look for something to support myself!

    The Grand Canyon. You've got two paragraphs to describe it and do it justice. Not easy is it? Maybe impossible.

    That is my problem when someone poses a question about Judaism. It is a giant tapestry woven together with extreme artistry with sudden bursts of color and all kinds of disparate sections that somehow come together.

    What does Judaism say about...? What does Judaism believe about....? Are we talking Spinoza or are we talking the Ari? Are we seeking the wisdom of the Baal Shem Tov or Maimonides? Are we talking about G-d to Lawrence Kushner or Mordecai Kaplan or even, perhaps, Sherwin Wine? You cannot put it altogether in 20 second sound bites.

    I fully appreciate that fact - and it is the primary reason I am not even more pushy towards you.... even given my hunger for info - what I want is YOUR understanding. For me, it would be a signpost along the way towards a greater understanding of what it means to be a Jew. .If pointed in the proper direction, I can read for myself what others think the Law is. But from you, I appreciate receiving your understanding of the topics presented, and I particularly appreciate how you are able to - with a few strategic words - make us understand that there are underlying concepts which must be understood along the way towards receiving the explanations we are looking for....

    I do not see it as evasion, as I was heretofore prone to doing with others.... more of trying to spit out a chunk that is too big to fit as a "post".....

    how to make one understand all the concepts which blend and merge together to form The Law, as regards any one question?

    I for one, am willing to take whatever crumbs hit the floor.... it's a great big picture to hold in one's head, and i'm filling in pieces with every morsel.... :)

    and so frequently,you deliver us up something delicious..... so, it's all good..... :derisive:

  8. It's the situations and imagery.... they are not healthy, taking up space in the head of someone who regularly uses the Astral Plane....

    a slip of concentration and I could play scenes out.... nah, no thank you.....

    But I am always hungry for ideas on what others consider GOOD books... I'll quietly wait for further suggestions when you're done with this book... :)

  9. I had this discussion with God once, and only once, and during this lifetime. I told the Creator that I suspected I had been here before as it was vaguely familiar and that I really loved the diversity of the planet but did not enjoy much of the human's condition and their cruelty to one another. While I stated I would love everyone no matter their condition I was adamant that the Creator not have any ideas about sending me here ever again and that if It did, Armageddon would look like a tennis match. clown.gifderisive.gif

    All the while He was thinking to you - "But Daughter - that is why I sent YOU... You are needed there.... "

    Rabbi, Although I am not Jewish by birth, or faith, I feel an inate "closeness" that I cannot explain. I am certain that there is much you could teach me, if you desired to impart your knowledge to a non-Jew. Thanks again for your answer.

    and folks poo poo the idea of reincarnation.... LOL :giggle:

    The rabbi is but a ducking and dodging target for our attraction..... I can't blame him - sometimes he must feel called upon to explain all of Judaism to kindergartners..... :P

    edit : further difficulty arises when the modern interpretation of Judaism doesn't coincide with the issues we have carried over from troublesome lifetimes.... but that is the case with all previous experience - just a strong force to reckon with in Judaism.......