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Status Replies posted by RevTom

  1. You will note I have changed my avatar, my worldview a bit, and my belief system has evolved. I hope this will be the basis of good camaraderie and healthy exchange of ideas. Much has happened with me in the past couple of years. I got the flu from hell in 2015 that was going around, and to make a long story short, developed pneumonia from it, which caused me to acquire Congestive Heart Failure, which I take a multitude of medication for. Anyway, I am glad to be back, but will most likely be in observer mode for the most part, until Ifeel the ebb and flow here.

    1. RevTom


      I have once again changed my info. Because of my evolving worldview and return to my Christian spiritual roots, I have changed my username from Windwalker to RevTom. I hope it doesn't create a great deal of confusion.

  2. Archiving old posts and cleaning up the forum. Kept running across your thoughts. Miss ya buddy and our conversations.

    1. RevTom


      It has been ages since I was last here, I have lost all the friends/followers I once had, and I am unfamiliar with the format now. Fawzo; Meredo. Atwater Vitki...all gone?


  3. "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." Matthew 23:13 NIV (Yeah, I am in a mood this morning--I woke up thinking about my patient that died yesterday. It was a hospice case, so it was expected)

    1. RevTom


      although people may be in hospice care and the demise is known or expected to be, the shock and surreal quality are still there: My Dad was in a hospice then nursing home befroe his death-I still expected him to recover-I was denying the extent of his illness.

  4. quote of the night: "and I just wanted to give him a papercut on his eyeball. "

  5. is still alive and still looking for the one, actually found him and he ran screaming, lol, He's afraid of my age?

    1. RevTom


      Hi-just saw you perusing the illegal aliens post

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)