Bro. Hex

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Posts posted by Bro. Hex

  1. I'm an atheist and a socialist so I don't see the issue why do you need to reconcile anything if you don't like the ULC over its diversity then go somewhere else. If anything my path is void of any belief in a creative power of the universe whatever guise that is focusing on rationalism and in that beauty of science and the fact I can accept - I don't know - as a reasonable answer to a question.

    How did reality start?

    I don't know. It just is how it all started likely is well over anything we could prove as simple human animals.

    But that doesn't mean acting unethically or not trying to make the world better.

    iT DIDN'T.



  2. Quote (BpCorey):

    " ...the Roman church is not Christ-like anymore... plus I am an Orthodox bishop, not Roman"

    I think I know what you are saying here Bp Corey, but I think I better ask... just in case.
    What do YOU consider to be the difference between being Roman and being Orthodox?
    I pretty well understand the Roman Church, but I am vague on the Orthodox.

    Is the principal difference that the Roman Church has a Latin litany for its rituals

    whereas the Orthodox use a Greek litany ??

    Is there more ??

  3. Sam I found it on this page

    Thanks, Frank!

    Can I visit the Universal Life Church Headquarters? by ULCS pixel_trans.gif

    Yes, the universal life church headquarters is open to the public and church services are held every Sunday at 10am.

    Universal Life Church, Headquarters:

    601 Third St. Modesto, CA 95351

    Hey that is our headquarters....that can't be legal can it?

    Assuming that he is passing the ordinations to the HQ in Modesto

    Call me a cynic, Josh, but that is an assumption I am not inclined to make.

    It would be helpful to hear from Andre in this regard.

  4. The web site states that their headquarters is in Modesto

    You must be a real sleuth to have even found this much of a "claim", Fawz...

    I spent 10 minutes on their website actively LOOKING for this claim, and never found it!


    That is the address* listed on the domain registration that I linked to.


    I am impressed, Josh... I didn't know you could look up stuff like that.

    In any event..."It ain't Modesto" !

    * Sarasotta address

  5. Nice neighborhood. I'm not familiar with the ULC7 but I could go for a baptism in that pool. They don't seem to have a local presence, though internet business isn't unusual these days. Maybe it's that prosperity theology. Any connection, or lack thereof, with Modesto is really none of my business, but that Colombian domain is interesting...


    8141 Misty Oaks Blvd, Sarasota, FL

    What does "8141 Misty Oaks Blvd, Sarasota, FL" have to do with anything???

    I am not following this (well, not beyond sussing out that this is a new group of "rip-off artists" trading on the name of the ULC-Modesto). These jokers want folks to believe that they ARE the Modesto ULC, not that their founder (whoever that is) got ordained by ULC Modesto and is now starting a competition web "business". My intuition tells me that these jokers don't even have a rented post office box in Modesto... much less a physical presence.

  6. This is a bit off-topic, Rev Rattler, but inasmuch as every post that you make (these days) ...

    including this topic (that you introduced) all contain the following subscript, I feel that this is

    "as good a place as any" to address the statement that you keep repeating.

    Here is the subscript that I am referring to:

    The 5 points of Christian Universalism:

    1. The Universal Fatherhood of God
    2. The spiritual authority and leadership of His Son Jesus Christ
    3. The trustworthiness of the Bible as containing a revelation from God
    4. The certaintity of just retribution for sin
    5. The final harmony of all souls with God.

    The reason that I am raising this subject is a simple one. As a Christian and a Universalist,

    I am exceedingly uncomfortable with dogma of any kind, and with four of your dogmatic points in particular.

    Of the five "points" ("articles of faith") that you repeatedly list,

    I reject the first four out-of-hand as being incompatible with my Christian Universalist faith.

    Only point number five do I not immediately reject... and that is most likely because I have no idea what it really means.

  7. ~ Yep, definitions again, huh? ;)...

    ...To me 'Evil' is harming others in whatever way & not caring or even taking pleasure in it.

    { Not counting consensual encounters, whatever makes everyone happy! ;) }

    I believe that most everyone does not intend harm to others.

    Some do. But not the majority.

    I like your "take" on such things, Qryos,:)

    It is not necessarily "what I believe"...

    but it IS pretty much what I WANT to believe to be true.

  8. Its not my intent to abandon the forum...

    YAY !!! :)

    but to just circle the airport awhile. I feel the need to temper my communication skills and won't post on a regular basis until I learn how to sugar-coat my opinions, kind of like telling a woman; "You look so beautiful in the dark."

    Reminds me of a REALLY CUTE cartoon I just saw somewhere of a middle-age couple getting dressed up for some formal affair:

    she sez:

    "Do I look fat?"

    and he answers:

    "Do I look stupid?"

    Circle all you want to, Dan, but come in for an occasional landing!

  9. My understanding from a member of Baha'i of my acquaintance is that, in his words, "Many of the original Writings of Bahá'í and 'Abdu'l-Bahá are written in very exalted and poetic Persian and Arabic and therefore a similar flavour should be attempted (emphasis added) in the language into which it is translated.... n translating the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh into English the [translator] has created a very beautiful and poetic style in English using many words which might be considered archaic and are reminiscent of the English used by the translators of the King James Version of the Bible. "

    Thanks, Peter. I should have read your post before posting myself.

    I was only able to offer conjecture, whereas you have provided something more substantial.

  10. Wert thou......?

    I never understood this need that some have for using old English, as if it then becomes more truthful and has a stamp of authority.

    The author of that quotation, Bahá’u’lláh, born in 1817, died in 1892 at the age of 74.

    English was not likely to have been his primary language (born in Tehran, Iran and died in Palestine).

    It is quite possible that "Wert thou" was typical of the only variety of spoken English with which the author (Bahá’u’lláh) was familiar.

  11. It was a pleasure to revisit this thread again. It brought to mind several things, not the least of which was our loss of Brother Michael Sky, who I was happy to get to know, and appreciative of most of his time that he shared with us. "In the beginning", and for quite some time after he first bowed onto this virtual stage that we call the ULC Forum, his contributions were intelligent and insightful, and I miss him still. And I do not question, even for a moment, the decision to ban him from our midst.

    I am just sorry that it had to happen. I wonder what demon he was struggling with that so adversely affected his persona, rendering him quarrelsome and confrontational. And as I dwell on this question, I realize that this could happen to any of us. We are, each of us a unique combination of genes and hormones, life experiences and brain chemistry... in many ways it is miraculous that most of the time, most of us are able to "get along" with each other..... more or less. I miss him. I wish that things had worked out differently.

    On another subject entirely, but one, grateful, that is related to your "sweet Nori",

    I want to tell you about "my sweet Molly". Molly too, had been "tagged", quite unfairly, with the appellation of "problem animal".

    We discovered Molly on our third visit to our local non-profit animal rescue and placement society. Our previous visit had ended with us adopting "Geena", a rather large (and timid) 2 or 3 year-old "Tortie Tiger" with a funny looking tail which looked like it belonged to a rat... it was so "skinny", and long. She had enormous ( too big for her body) ears, that were only surpassed in size, by the size of her heart. She had been singled out for display as "the featured cat of the day", in the hope that the extra attention might bring her luck, in the form of finally finding someone who wanted her.

    My youngest daughter and I waited in line to be admitted to the cat room, which was very crowded, with narrow isles for walk-through patrons to "shop" for a pet. We couldn't help but to listen to the yuppie couple who were ahead of us in line, as they stopped before the cage in which the "featured cat of the day" was waiting for someone to choose her. We were appalled to here this well-dressed young couple poke fun at her for her funny looks, big ears, out of proportion tail.

    "Who would want a cat like that?..She is just plain ugly" I heard them snicker.

    "We would", I thought... and when we finally got to the front of Geena's cage, she came right up to us, close like, and stared at us with her beautiful green eyes, and purred the loudest purr I had ever heard from a cat. "We want this one" I said to the volunteer who handled adoptions... She was delighted, and told us that Geena was such a special cat, that she often took her home with her at night, but she already had two Siamese of her own, and they would "pick on" Geena mercilessly so much that she wasn't sure she was doing Geena any favor by giving her special treatment. Geena WAS a very special cat, and was ours for several years, until that heart of hers gave out.

    But this little vignette is about Molly, the cat that followed Geena in our adoption sequence.

    However, I must delay that portion of my story for a couple of hours, as I have just been informed

    by my "better half" that it is time to leave Cincinnati, and head home to Dayton.

    So I will pick up this thread where I am leaving off... a bit later.