Bro. Hex

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Status Updates posted by Bro. Hex

  1. Hey Pete!   I guess this forum is still alive. (I think it could use a transfusion !) I was just casting about for an alternative to Face Book (I am a bit weary of all the politics there, and especially weary of the lack of civility).


    1. Pete


      Hi Sam, I understand. I am lucky with the forum on because I am a moderator and the admin don't stand nonsense. I have always been a political animal.. However I have left some forums because of some of the posters. Others I just said I don't agree and walked away from them. There is no point with arguing with stubborn political views. I don't know if twitter is any better. Have you been there?

  2. Mey "MinisterMom, how ar ya' doing? I'm all good. I still see Patches every couple of weeks or so, which tells me "he has a real home" somewhere, because he comes 'round for a free meal only sporadically. 3 Siamese and two "Tuxedo" (black & white) cats are my current "regulars" at the parking lot "breakfast buffet". Numbers are way down since...

  3. No big deal, It was my first visit in a long time...I just went in because I saw that someone was already there. I think the only way Chat is going to work is if it starts out "at a specified time/day"

  4. Hello Nick,

    I just read one of your posts...

    Was it perchance written "in Cockney"?

  5. Hi Jon,

    I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you are a participant here. BTW, There is a cat that waits for me, almost every day, in the parking lot at work. He is rarely satisfied if I fail to stop and talk with him, pat his head, scratch his chin, or rub his belly. I am convinced that Patches and I are soul-mates. Species is not an issue.

    Best regards, Sam Nicolosi (H...

  6. Thanks, for the friendship status Rev. Lacey...and for the Add-A-Friend instructions. I think we are both live-and-let-live people. Glad to be your friend! Hex

  7. I wish I knew how to "add Friends" to my totally empty FRIENDS list, but I haven't figured out please, all of you, consider yourselves on my "Friends List"