Wizard Adam

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Posts posted by Wizard Adam

  1. Yeah, there has been some limited but substantial proof that there is reincarnation, but not enough to disprove charlatanism and trickery. I would like to believe that there is a wheel we ride on thousands of time until we are prepared to take over for the ailing and aging God, but we would be an exact clone by process of these life leanings, but again pure speculation ~smiles~.

    I have had a near death experience and perceived myself to be talking directly to God/Creator and he told me to come home, but I saw my mom and brother crying, so I asked to stay on this Earth. Next thing I know I am alive then I pass out and wake up two days later ~smiles~

    I cannot know if it was truly God, but the experience was life altering leading me into the occult at a very very young age ~smiles~.

    There is a voice that comes in my head when I am meditating and it is not my own, and it doesn’t sound like my conscious, but I can’t scientifically prove to you or anyone else that it is God or that reincarnation was a viable recycling program for souls ~smiles~.

    I firmly believe Mohammad, Jesus, and Buddha specifically tried to explain to us to just live a good life and not worry about the afterlife because all the answers would eventually make themselves very evident in death.

    I would personally just like to die and get off the wheel, which is what Buddhist and Hindus are trying to achieve…they seek oblivion and absolute rest for the soul, to never awaken or be stirred again and not know any better.

    I am not like most men who have to conceive of gods and spiritualities because their egos are too big to contemplate the actuality that we might just turn into dirt, as a matter of fact I seek the oblivion and the dirt!!! I wish to think and be no more ~smiles~

  2. Isn’t that funny how they perpetuate race and hate? ~chuckles~, just that classification on any document effects people in ways unknown to them causing deep-rooted subliminal ideologies ~grins~.

    Whenever I fill out a document I always put in “OTHER” ~snickers~ and if it has a please explain I put in NO ~chuckles~.

    I also personally don’t believe in the “”-American garbage. You are either an American or not an American ~smiles~. I could careless what color you are, but I do get angry when minorities get racial preferences to colleges and stuff when someone else might have had better grades.

    I have been several places in this world and thousands in this country and everyone has the chance to succeed, albeit harder in the ghetto, barrio, etc. It is still possible for any child to go to college! So having a United Negro College Fund is just wrong too me because I came from a very poor white family when I was growing up! My parents never had money to put away for my college and last I checked blacks could get grants and loans too!

    Yeah with the exception of very few primitive tribes there is no genetic purity in any race ~chuckles~. We all have Mongrel, Arab, African, etc. in us ~smiles~. We are all pretty much mutts this day and age! I personally think we should all screw each other until we are one color ~snickers~.

    As much as I dislike the human race I am part of it too ~chuckles~

    While I have felt and expressed the same views on the matter, something inside me feels that even the statement "I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE HUMAN" RACE" is a statement which attempts at separating us as more important than the rest of creation.

    I personally feel as we become more in tune with creation, the statement and thought "I Am" is sufficient. Yet even with this statement the "I" could be the starting point of our separation from complete and total bliss with All That Is. There is no I in God!

    I AM is what I use to explain myself ~smiles~. I agree with you that the classification has it's arrogance too..

  3. Well, I am glad to see someone out there appreciates my thoughts, as well as sees some validity to them.

    The few times I attempted to start this discussion with someone other than my fiancee (it was a few of our friends), they immediately got all self-righteous about the Bible and the fact that evolution isn't held as a valid viewpoint in that book. People in high schoool and at my job with UPS looked at me like I had a second head and walked away.

    To Wizard Adam - I'm flattered, but like you said, I'm engaged and you're married. Part of me is a little sorry that my fiancee isn't into theological or philosophical debates and discussions, but I am thankful for groups such as this one that open up a door for me where my significant other hasn't. It isn't that he's not interested or that he's against my practices - it's just that he doesn't like discussing it because he doesn't really know where he stands with religion in his life. He wants to find his own way, and part of that involves keeping me out of the majority of his spiritual journey. Which, of course, I can fully understand. Each person must find their own way, and no one can ever tell them what it is. All that can be offered is advice on ways to find it, and that is when he listens to me.

    Additionally, I agree that true reality is something we fail to perceive. Reality is a state of perception and existence solely dependent on our personal experiences and mental faculties. With what limited knowledge we gain in life, we try to sort out what we know, but always that view remains colored by our inner thoughts and feelings. That is one of the reasons that I value intercommunication like we have here at the ULC forum - it allows one to see the world through a new pair of lenses and under different circumstances, and that is something that I value highly as part of the human race. We can see through many eyes and with different histories, and we see more than that which is right in front of us - in a way, we are, as a whole, piecing the puzzle together.

    To Fawzo - my theory about God's omnipotence is in some way altered by the character Clockwork from the show Danny Phantom. He describes himself as seeing "the parade from above" when referring to time. It isn't a straight line that we travel in the whole picture of eternity - it's a river that occasionally hits a rise in the landscape and moves onto a new course in order to keep on moving. Linear ideas of time are a mortal, finite concept, because trying to fully grasp the idea that every decision made in every person's life affect the River is just too much for our mind to process. As such, God (keeping with the Christian terminology) can see many of the ways that things will work out, but the idea of free will and the fact that He's not just moving pieces on some grand chessboard affect His vision. It's a constantly changing miasma of chance and possibility, never quite the same as it was before, just as the images from a kaleidoscope never seem to repeat themselves. As the kaleidoscope spins, the image within becomes something new. Change has altered the vision.

    The reasons Chrsitians get so defensive is because they can't handle the doubt, but instead of smiling at you and letting it be they try and ram it down your throat and force you to see their will ~chuckles~, because if some other thought than what their faith commands would unravel the universal fabric of their reality creating depression, confusion and possibly insanity, so it is imperative that they cling to their ideologies and leave little room for facts (not all christians, just most as a whole). My whole family are deep rooted evengelicals ~chuckles~.

    Anytime someone suggests something out of the normal it makes people have to look at themselves and the world around them, who the hell wants to do that in such a superficial material world ~snickers~. It's all about don't rock the boats in spite of what is wrong, right or indifferent ~snickers~. So technically you future spouse is just trying to protect himself without even realizing it ~chuckles~. I deal with the same thing with my wife, as she is a devout Christian, so I don't talk to her about what I know and she doesn't tell me what she knows and it has made for a beautiful 15.5 year marriage, not that we haven't had our ups and downs but we have passed through every one with flying colors.

    Not everyone wants this knowledge or seeks it despite what knowledge it that an individual holds...I pretty sure through my observations of the human race that the majority of human like to be brain dead, it's just easier ~chuckles~. After all it is his journey, and at some point I am sure he will get inquisitive ~smiles~, especially if he admires the way you handle life! I have torn the reality fabric of people and have regretted it, I chose to let them do it on their own now ~smiles~.

    Yes thank the powers that be for the ULC where a person can come in an veiw hundreds of different philosophical and intellectual viewpoints, it is somewhat of a sanctuary for a seeking mind ~smiles~. I look forward to your reads in the future...

  4. I am including herein the participation post I submitted in my online classes last week. I tried to get my classmates to discuss this, but there was only one response, and even that was only eleven words long. I was hoping to see what others thought of this topic since my classmates seemed hesitant or resistant to the idea.

    Thank you for your opinions, and please note, this is a direct copy of my assignment post, so nothing has been edited or removed. There are a few apologies included because four of my classmates, in their biographical introductions, mentioned that they were either Catholic or Christian.


    In our assignment last week regarding the scientific theories that have been presented to the world, the first one in the Chapter reading was Darwin's famous (or is it infamous?) theory regarding evolution. Now, throughout the years, this theory has been hotly contested, but nowhere in my life have I seen it catch more heat than from religious groups. In direct opposition to the Creation we are told about in the Bible, evolution seems to, in the eyes of some, try to dispute the claim that God made man and all the creatures of Earth, explaining away all things as one thing growing and mutating into another in order to survive.

    Personally, and I do not wish to upset anyone with this thought, but what if both theories are right? I have brought this subject up with my fiancee once, but he is not a big fan of any sort of theological discussions. Therefore, I present it to you, and I hope that you take an open-minded approach to what I am about to say. However, I will apologize in advance if I offend anyone. I tend to be a little forward in my views on this particular topic.

    If you were God (pardon the bluntness), you would have all of Eternity to spend creating a vast and wonderful tapestry of life and beauty. As it is, I find myself figuring that all that time leads to some degree of boredom. True, you have the power of creation and destruction at your fingertips, but you have to have something to pass the time other than just sitting there.

    And here comes the beacon of not-boredom: Creativity. Why not test out what happens to certain creatures if you plant them in different environments? So, here you are in the middle of a vast nothingness and BOOM! The power to create just unleashed a cataclysmic amount of energy and material into the void of space. So, with millennia to spend, you watch the wild materials you unleashed start to coalesce into something, much like kids nowadays watch crystals grow in those little home crystal growing kits. Cool, huh? Over the next who-cares-how-long, a few of these somethings become stars, others become planets, and the Universe is just sitting at your hands, waiting for Stage 2 of development.

    So, now you find a planet that seems that it can do okay when it comes to supporting life forms. Little by little, you introduce new species to that planet here and there, watching how it grows and develops, adjusting to the environment. Once it can support enough wild vegetation, why not introduce something to eat the vegetation? Creation gives rise to the animal kingdom. Not only that, but you create smaller creatures that help aid the world in its cycles of life and death - and there was bacteria.

    But wait! All the animals are eating all the plants, and they are not dying off fast enough to keep a sustainable environment possible. Why not have something else to eat the animals? (Please note, God just built the foundations of the food chain.) So, voila! More animals! And why not introduce little things into the world that can be eaten by the smaller animals, like krill or algae? The fish need something to eat. And bugs for the birds. You get my drift.

    And on and on it goes, the Universe's greatest scientist watching what His creations do with the world they have been gifted with, observing and changing things little by little, or by a lot, (look, I just explained hurricanes!) to see how they all respond. Gifted with different abilities, each finds their own way to survive in a sometimes hostile environment, while others suffer for their lack of ability to survive or escape catastrophe (Natural selection, anyone?).

    Sorry if that was long-winded, and I apologize again if I offended anyone. It is just a thought, and one that I would like to know what others think about it. Thank you for reading and for your patience, and if you reply, thank you for that, too.

    Will you marry me?! ~chuckles~ Actually, you are engaged and I have been happily married for almost 16 years ~smiles~. However, I want you to know that nothing rev's my motor like an intelligent and philosophical woman! ~smiles~.

    Your theory is valid, especially with the fact that no one on Earth knows what the true reality is ~smiles~. We are limited by our own existance on this plane, however even in the Christian/Religious Realm, I don't understand how they can't see "Evolution" as a product of God's "Quantum Mechanics & Physics", but they just sluff it off like it is impossible because they are the all knowing groups that proclaim to know everything about God ~chuckles~.

    I liked the Read! ~smiles~.

  5. My conversations with God generally go something like this:

    Adam I want you to move to Spokane (back in 86') and I was like screw you! ~chuckles~. But all my friends strangely enough started moving up to Spokane for no reason, well I didn't want to be alone in San Diego, so I went with my brothers.

    Many of my conversations with God are like that...he tells me what to do and I tell em to screw off! AFter decades of getting what he wants in spite of my wiillful presense I just gave up and started doing what God/Conscious/Demon it told me too.

    Today I prefer to listen it is much easier, and the very fact that I am alive today is miraculous to say the least.

    In the 80's I made meth and taught Mexicans how to make it for Uncle Sam....I was also in a heavy metal band, I was using meth interveinously and banging every girl in San Diego it seemed like ~chuckles~. I never got so much as the clap, while some of the same associates I shared needles with got Hep C and AIDS...I never got it and should have ~smiles~.

    I've been shot, stabbed, and generally love to solve my problems with violence, I suffer from PTSD and IERD (Explosive Rage Disorder), so when someone is authoratative to me, or a complete and total ahole I go beserk on them...I always have since I was a child.

    Last year I was bed ridden with 3 terminal illnesses and several chronic ones. I have Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulminary Immune Defeciency Syndrome, and a form of non viral AIDS...I was unable to barely walk from my bedroom to my living room.

    The funny thing is all this sickness came on while I defied my knowledge/faith...I went back to my faith and my true knowledge...I am doing Cardio 6 days a week now, as well as doing serious muscle building with weights ~smiles~.

    The last time I went to the doctor for a blood clot they said it was superficial and they couldn't explain why it wasn't pulminary, so they did some checking and they have no idea where my DVT went and my INR is perfect! The doctors told me it was permenant, incurable, and progressive! I haven't had Pneumonia this last winter or summer, and I got it every year with each year getting worse! But I haven't had to use my inhaler for almost 1.5 years now!

    I still get infections, so my IDS is still alive, but my infections are getting further and further apart...the more I follow my faith the healthier I am getting...it was when I was trying to be a Christian for several years. And I don't perceive singular Christians as bad...it was just a very powerful lesson to me that one who defies their faith is truly in a state of separation that can lead to many varying degrees of depression, illness, stress, and even death.

    Those years of separation from what I know what a slow train to Hell, literally! ~smiles~.

    So I chose to listen to my God/Faith/Conscious/whatever the hell you want to call it, so that I can be healthy in Mind, Body, & Spirit despite what others think of my way of life ~smiles~.

  6. Methinks somewhere in this book called bible there is an admonition to go into a closet if you wish to pray.

    Aye, it was designed to take away man's pride because he loves to be heard so that he can gain power...hence Jesus gave specific instructions to avoid this kind of superficial blabbering, but alas they still pray aloud to be heard before men ~smiles~. At least they aren't on every street corner anymore like they were in the days of milk and honey ~smiles~. Today's water down version is make sure you are praying for the right reasons!

  7. The actual blessing of the food was from ancient times when they blessed it so they would hopefully be protected from getting sick or illness ~chuckles~. It was more a purification rite than thankful statement.

    If you a Jew or Christian it says not to be repititious, then doles a repititious prayer...I think what it was really trying to say was "Say what you mean, mean what you say". ~chuckles~, and to be sincere in your prayers and not just say the same thing over and over and over ~grins~.

    I personally don't care for showing gratitude towards any divine power, however I do love meditation ~smiles~.

  8. A few weeks ago Larry King Live had some Pysicists and Retired Air Force Generals who claimed these UFO/Aliens were shutting down missles at several different sites. It all started back in the 60's and continues to this day, so they say ~smiles~.

    I called in and actually got through ~chuckles~. My Question?

    Why do you keep calling them "Aliens"? I mean if we are going to speculate let's really speculate ~grins~. What if these were people from the future trying to keep us from doing something really stupid? What if it has always been people from the future trying to subliminally guide our worst mistakes into something better?

    I truly have no real concept of time...I never have to be anywhere at any certain time...it is completely perceptual linear and non-linear ~chuckles~.

  9. Ahh..I don't care to be one. You know why? Because it will NEVER happend. It's a pipe dream, just like world peace and total equality.

    I'm a Successionist more then anything. Let me live with people who agree basically with my political philosophy and who share the same values as i do, and others can do so as well.

    I'm for my own country, free and independent from the U.S on the North American continent. I believe I won;t live to see it happend, but eventaully I believe it will. That way everyone can live as they choose..The Evangelicals can have ther country and make laws as they see fit, the Liberals can have theirs and of course other groups as well.

    I admit it; I am not for joining hands and singing in harmony. I want more local control, and less Federal. I want the local areas to decide their laws by what the PEOPLE there decide, not by others. I feel eventually America will break up like Europe and I don't see that as a bad thing.

    Well the human soul has been around for a few million years and other than technology and language not much has changed. We still find reasons to kill each other when our normal enemies are not around ~chuckles~. We still kill!

    The same stories you see in the Bible, Tora or Koran are still happening today just as strong, if not stronger than they were back in the day ~smiles~.

    Tis a good pipe dream, but I am sure we would find a reason to fight over where said people would live ~grins~, especially if it was a good marketing or reality market ~grins~.

    It is the dictate of nature that we kill, albeit we may be doing for superfluious reasons today, it is still being done on a grand scale just about everywhere ~smiles~.

  10. Yeah I think there are going to be some serious sensationalized media about this and the attitudes of the soldiers in those situations. I personally don't care because a lot of my buds were in Iraq and you have to rationalize the crap that goes on or you'll end up blowing your head off ~sighs~. The vast majority of them never complain or cry...they just continue to do as they are told like troopers, even though many have been stuck there darn near the whole 5 years ~smiles~.

  11. I always liked parts of the Sith code, but socialogically it would never prevail in anything but a movie, espcially with the panzies and fear that persist in our world today ~chuckles~.

    Whenever my son gets dark and broods I call him Darth Malachi ~chuckles~. It makes him laugh and gets him out of his mood.

    What is funny if there exists the world of chaos/abyss then the Sith Doctrine is still very much alive because demons will learn from their masters until they are strong enough to destroy them and take their power ~smiles~.

    The business and marketing world portrays the Sith Doctrine very well ~grins~, and sometimes they even assasinate people to get them out of the way ~chuckles~.

    I have lived what you would call the sith doctrine back in the 80's...at my height I could pop light bulbs with thought, manipulate electronics, and warp the minds of others, I still miss that form of power some days, but I guess I failed when it came to the suffering and pain that went along with it. You could say I was pulled not towards the good side of the force but smack dab in the middle where the truth lies for me! ~smiles~.

  12. Joy ~grins~

    I would prefer to see the world utterly destroyed sending us back to simplier times...its going to happen by 2012, either in the minds of men or by the planet, perhaps one will lead to the other...maybe Iran or some crazy will get nukes and use them causing those left alive to eradicate war and reign in 1000 years of peace ~smiles~.

    Yeah there has been a lot of talk about the poles shifting too lately...