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Posts posted by Fawzo
..door handle and opened the door and found thrity clowns inside who told him "come on in there is plenty of room" to which he...
If I wasn't so shy I would add my thoughts
The important thing in life isn't what happens to you but how you react to what happens to you.
OMG murph you have an opinion! you should be shot!
My favorite part of the program was finding out Murphz wasn't an opinionless droid but actually seemed to be an intelligent, reasoning human. I thought it was a shame he doesn't have more input in the threads.
Without video though I'm still a wee bit skeptical
.. apparently he took one too many knocks in the noggin and was...
Suppose stem cell research makes it so that people with money can live to be 150. The world is already over populated what kind of effect will it have upon the poor.
Will it in effect be a slow death sentence for poorer nations if we extend life expectancy even farther?
..the Trix rabbit jumps out of the hole and grabs the bowl of Trix and gulps it down. After an enormous titanic burp from the rabbit the kids stop crying, the mother calms down and everyone notices that the womans bag has been tattered to shreds and destroyed but Fawzo's head is still fine. Then everyone notices the Golden Pencil Box had fallen out of her bag and...
..finally give that poor rabbit a whole box of Trix for his very own, but he notices..
he gets a little goofy and ends up looking like
..he had a brilliant idea. So he hops on his pogo sticks and starts hopping to...
.. is that one should never drink apple juice and eat burritos while attending a meditation workshop, unless..
Lets not forget waterfalls and oil slicks
This post is an interesting coincidence.
Last night I was reading about the differences between being a disciple or student and about having knowledge of Buddhism or actually living it.
One can study Buddhism and its precepts for years but if one does not live those precepts one does not then actually "know" them. This is the advantage of being a disciple instead of just a student of Buddhism.
A student sits and learns the lessons but many will be hard to live because they are contrary to the ego nature that is ingrained in the student. A disciple on the other hand gets hands on training from the Master who lives the precepts. Living side by side with the Master he begins to live the precepts until the day comes when the disciple is ready and the "knowing" passes from Master to disciple quite easily.
I think this is the main stumbling block in my living the precepts. I have knowledge of them but I do not "know" them in my being else I would live them.
He surely missed someone he shared a great deal of bliss with and someone who was irreplaceable.
Loved the show!
Yes some people sing solo wonderfully and its music to the ears. Others sound great doing duets. Trios are great, quartets, until finally the most wonderful sound is the whole world singing "we are the world, we are the people"
True love from above loves all equally.
I know the wonder I felt when on occasion when I had thought I found that special someone. So I know of what you are speaking.
"Change your thoughts - Change your Life Living the wisdom of the Tao" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
Ah Fawzo,
True love is a completion of souls. Two halves joined together in perfect harmony. Alone they are two instuments playing solo, but together they are a wonderful symphony! The beauty of finding love and the pain is that yes it is a gambol. Sometimes you may get hurt or dissapointed. But as the saying goes, "It is better to love, than to never love at all" I know I butchered the quote, but you get the idea.
Surely you're not saying we're all just half souls looking for our matching half.
..CUT...before she could finish a Hollywood director yelled cut and she got in a limo and drove off leaving Fawzo to wonder..
Not asking for much, are you? Hehehe.
I think that it is not really a desire to be human that is the problem, I think it is more at defining what human is is the problem. Being human, to me, means that we are humane. Human is the thinking man. Neanderthal stopped evolving and died out. Homo sapiens dominate at the moment. If we stop evolving we will probably die out too.
I think it is more at we have forgotten how to be humane that is the base problem.
Am I talking with you now or are we both still speaking on different concepts?
Peace & Love!
You're talking about things with opposable thumbs and I'm talking about primordial protoplasm and why it wanted to be a thing with an opposable thumb.
Thats ok it's better than silence..OR IS IT!
I am only completed by you.
This phrase always makes me shiver. If one believes this of any person or thing they are sure to be disappointed down the road IMHO.
ATI made you perfect the way you are. He/She/It doesn't make junk. This Opinion is not necessarily that of this station.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program of Rhyme Chimes.
Oh. Haven't we hidden the fact that we are just another species of animal on this planet and really not anything special? Haven't we forgotten that we are a social animal and we are supposed to be working for the welfare of the group? Haven't we forgotten that having personal possessions is not the goal in life but rather to live life to its fullest is the primary goal?
Haven't we forgotten that we are supposed to feel all our emotions, experience them fully in the moment. then let them pass? Not holding on to yesterday nor striving for something in the future but rather just doing the best we can in the moment?
Working when there is something that needs be done and resting when the work is done?
So many things, Fawzo. So far we have drifted from the ways of enjoying the true beauty of living.
We set so many artificial goals for our life that have little or no meaning and we work so hard trying to accomplish those goals that we forget to live according to our true nature.
Personal desires of wealth and fame. And we end up never having been truely loved nor truely love anyone save ourself.
Peace & Love!
I enjoyed the post but my question is why have we forgotten our true nature and desired to be human in the first place?
... grant you sound guidance along the path of your quest but you must never ...
..look directly at a woman's....
Yep. I think that to say that we are uncovering what we have hidden would fit well here too.
Peace & Love!
Now what do you purpose was the purpose of hiding or forgetting in the first place?
But aren't we already at one with it all? Isn't it simply a matter of removing the separtation (which really does not exist save for in our mind)?
Peace & Love!
So it isn't reading at all but more like unreading!
My favorite authors are the ones that send the raindrops, snowflakes, and the water flowing. It has been said that if you learn to read those, everything else is superfluous...
Yes I have tried to read those but the Barnes and Noble was closed due to flooding!
Sorry for being a wise ** but I do understand what you mean.
My serious question though is can that be considered reading or is it more just being. When I encounter an object in life should I be reading it or being one with it. Do I have to read it to become one with it?
That was fun, Fawzo.
We shall joust again one day. Thanks for playing.
Peace & Love!
I look forward to it you are a worthy opponent!
Oops look your shoe is untied
Never Ending Story
in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
..unicycle. I need to get to Modesto Calironia because I know where the Golden Pencil Box is being kept..